Reviews for When Irish Eyes Are Crying
Lecterbabe0 chapter 13 . 4/4
It's well written and the characters’ behavior are realistic, but I take issue with rape and that’s why I won’t be continuing with this story. It’s too bad because it’s an interesting plot.
theRavenGirl17 chapter 52 . 12/27/2016
omg best lucias/Ginny story by FAR! made me cry xx it was so good! and beutifully written. I loved how you made the way lucius change from 'evil' to 'good' you also Made their relanship seem very real thank u for that! I hate stories when the characters just meet up and suddenly fall in love straight away despite hating each other before arghhsigh* the reniun at the end was so beautifulinterested about your choice of survivors, I'm the kind of person who want everyone to have happy ending cause I love them all so much! (just not the completely evil ones aka soren*winksi would so read a wizard/elf/fantasy book if you wrote it! would u cahbge anything other then the names? I would love to read and find out the differences! if there are anytahnsk so much made my Xmas!xx
Lady Reese Kightkens chapter 51 . 3/14/2016
I know I am very late to the proverbial party, but I had to comment about how wonderful this story was. There is so much to say, so I will try to organize them and not write a novel out of this review.

First of all, I loved your overall plot. When you threw in the piece about Elves, I nearly shouted out loud in surprise, but it was a lovely twist. Even though fanfics can get stale and boring if they are too long, yours kept me on edge the whole time, so I enjoyed the length immensely. A story like this really needed the length to really develop the characters and relationships to keep it believable, so kuddos on that.

Your dialogue was honest, humorous, revealing, and well said. Each character was believable and most were in canon (which, BTW, I am SOOO glad you had Minerva come back. That really made my heart sing!). There were a few OOC moments, but nothing that compromised the integrity of the characters or story itself. I loved all the twists and turns that were thrown in.

One thing that really struck me that I just had to comment on was the fact that Ginny and Lucius were watching Love, Actually in the hotel room. I don't know if you intended to pick a movie with Alan Rickman, Emma Thompson, and Bill Nighy, but I loved the surreal kind of parallel universe you created when you did that. It was a beautiful nod to the great actors who did a fantastic job in the HP movie franchise (even though Love Actually came out in 2003 and your timeline is relatively close to JKR's setting in 1998). I was almost waiting for Lucius or Ginny to comment on the irony of Harry's character having such a way with women, how level headed Karen's character was, or some side story about Trelawny and Snape secretly having feelings for each other. However, that might have been too much so thanks for the gentle reference instead :-)

Anyway, you did a great job keeping your story flowing. Typically I don't like originally characters, but I think you did a great job creating enough dimension with the Adairs and the Duchan clans. It was also helpful when you would give the translations every so often so I knew what the characters were trying to say. Lastly, your relationship between Lucius and Ginny was so beautiful. I liked how it was messy, but still got messy as relationships do in real life. There were grudges and forgiveness, mistakes and bonding, heartbreak and reconciliation. Both parties were flawed, but determined to make their relationship work, so you did a great job capturing that spirit in your story.

Although this isn't my favorite story I have ever read (there are too many to list), I definitely loved what you put together. Thanks for such an incredible piece.
HMRoberts chapter 52 . 12/2/2014
Reading this in December 2014, I don't know if you are even receiving emails of reviews being posted, but if you are and you haven't rewritten this tale to remove the HP elements, then may I toss my two pence in to say that I think it would be a remarkably great tale? I believe it would be, has it? If so, would love to know where and how to obtain a copy - if not, then what in heck are you waiting for? :) P.S. I love, love, love your POTC stories!
guest chapter 27 . 11/23/2014
What are you doinnnnnngg? You are tearing them apart! :.(
Little Bored Devil chapter 16 . 11/4/2014
Aaaawe, Lucius ruins it ... again! But you explain so well why this is happening, I really get it. And to be honest, if they would have had sex this time, it would feel a little bit ‘too easy’ (considering the length of the story).
I’ve read 16 chapters now, and I’m still loving this story. Luckily there’s a lot more to come.
I have the feeling you put your heart and soul in this; it is really well written, and there’s so much detail, the backgrounds of the characters and how they are feeling, etc. This story really has everything: romance, drama, adventure, a little bit of humour (I really laughed out loud at the idea of Death Eaters eating fudge at a raid) :-)
I’ve already added this one to my favourites. I haven’t even read it all yet, but it’s so great, I’m sure I’ll love the whole thing. If there’s something in it that I won’t like, I’m eating my socks. The dirty ones.
Little Bored Devil chapter 7 . 11/1/2014
I’m not a fan of huge drama’s like someone’s whole family dying, so I wasn’t sure about this one before I started reading. But I am really glad I did start, because I love this story. I have read 7 chapters now and I really like the way how this is developing. This is the first fanfic about Ginny for me because I never liked her so much in the books, but I really like her in this story. And Lucius ... you have written him extremely well, it’s very believable how he is changing slowly, how he is still very proud and hating Muggles and all.
I also love how Ginny and Lucius slowly get to know each other better and like each other more and more. If they became romantically involved in the first few chapters I would probably have stopped reading because in this case that would not be believable at all, so I like how you take it slow with these two. And in chapter 7, when Lucius throws Ginny on the bed and tells her that if he wants something, he might take it ... wow, very sexy! I want a man like that!
jennybenny2845 chapter 52 . 9/23/2014
Hello there! I got hooked on your story and finished it in four days! First of, you definitely should go ahead and self-publish it if you haven't already. I definitely think those into magical/fantasy stories would be interested in this. You've really taken the time to develop your characters and create an engaging plot. Like you, I also edit and edit and edit (and edit and edit) until I cannot look at it anymore before posting. I can see that you really thought everything out. Everything flowed very well.

I enjoyed that there were more elements to your romance than just straight fluff and/or smut. I really liked how you broke down Ginny and Lucius, built them up again, threw obstacles in their way, had them overcome it with the use of family and friends and eventually put them together forever.

I absolutely loved the beginning and how Lucius slowly began to change into a better man. I loved how Ginny stood by his side despite his endless issues and how well they worked together. I was so upset when they became involved with others. I almost gave up on it, but thankfully, you mentioned they'd end up together. The plot twists and action scenes toward the end were well written. Also, the end scene with Ginny and Lucius reuniting with lost loved ones made me tear up.

Overall, this was a very well written and engaging story, and I have enjoyed the journey. Keep up the great work! I definitely have to check out your other Harry Potter fanfiction.
Guest chapter 50 . 9/10/2014
I don't know how to put into words just how much I loved this, I'm so glad I read it. All I can say is thank you!
Misti D chapter 51 . 7/17/2014
I don't think that I have ever read a story as amazing as this one. I had never thought of Ginny with Lucius before, but it worked out beautifully. I loved this story and hope to read more of your stories. Happy writing!
Tristen chapter 52 . 10/6/2013
I know it's terribly late but I think you should go ahead and publish it.
Yuri chapter 13 . 10/1/2013
Ugh Lucius a rapist. I seriously hate him.
clearsa taylor chapter 52 . 6/27/2013
i loved this and wounld read it agin just to see the changes I started reading it two days ago and counld not stop lol please let me no if you
Natariigrace chapter 51 . 6/22/2013
Damn super sensitive iPhones!
My review is on chapter 52. Posted with the same user name. I was about to ask of the house elves in the wizarding world were the same as the elves in this world?
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