Reviews for The Five Senses of Forbidden
Guest chapter 1 . 7/20/2012
Beautiful. Every line was perfect and it all flowed together so well.
papercranes chapter 1 . 1/19/2011
I really loved every bit of it. Beautiful. Amazing. Perfect.

I loved Sirius/Lily a bit more.
romancejunkie chapter 1 . 2/25/2010
Oh wow. Whatever type of medication induced this, you need to share it with the world... This was amazing, descriptive and fulfilling without plot. So good ;] Taste was my favorite sense, I think because the line "She was exactly what he wanted in any one moment." is my favorite.
An Aspiring Author chapter 1 . 8/27/2009
I really loved this story, but I totally missed the Sirius aspect of it. I feel like it could just have easily been James/Lily; there was none of the betrayal or forbidden aspects of the relationship mentioned. I also didn't quite catch the time frame. Often I thought they were out of school and living together, and then sometimes it seemed like they were still at Hogwarts. Overall though it was very well written and I enjoyed it!
rachelthebooklover chapter 1 . 1/5/2009
i really like the almost poetic feeling to this. and touch was my favorite sense! )
Livia F chapter 1 . 12/10/2008
"exactly as they could be forever."

I loved this story, they way you wrote it, pulling us to all those sensations, mingled, tangled, one a one and all together. I just thought you could have mentioned somewhere in the story, or made it more clear, that it was Sirius and Lily. It really could be any pairing with a redhead girl. :)
LovelySnakes chapter 1 . 12/4/2008
i like
nirvanabee chapter 1 . 2/22/2008
This was ridiculously lovely man!

I'm in love with Sirius/Lily, and this really captured how I think their relationship would have been like.
Gillian McCourt chapter 1 . 1/27/2008
Well, it's hard to say something...I only can think about words like 'perfect' to describe this. *-*

The way you wrote it made every letter soft, sweet and full of desperate passion.

I'm reading lots of Sirius/Lily stories (I dreamed about tey last night -"), but this is the first that seems to be 'true'. I just Love it.


P.S. : English isn't my first language, so if something is wrong, please nevermind.
fauves chapter 1 . 12/18/2007
Gaby-Black recommended this and I'm glad I read it! First Sirius/Lily I've read and is great!
Cuban Sombrero Gal chapter 1 . 12/16/2007
As Professor Snape says in PS/SS, ensnaring the senses is important. You've done that brilliantly in this fic, I adore the way you seem to capture a mood and express smells and tastes and sights and everything so well. Definitely a 10/10 for descriptive effort. Taste was definitely my favourite, if only for the line about chefs sampling dessert, by the way.

You've titled this 'The Five Senses of Forbidden,' however, and that's where I'm confused. I'm guessing that's a reference to Lily and James and the fact that Sirius and Lily don't belong together. I really wish you had explored that more, gone into how Lily and Sirius feel about betraying James, and if that makes any difference to the senses at all, because it would just add so much more to the sensual qualities that this fic oozes.

something-like-love chapter 1 . 12/9/2007
Sirius/Lily is a ship that interests me a lot, and I love what you've done with them! I really enjoyed this, and I think that your description is amazing, how you describe *everything.* I liked the style too, the five senses. It really lends itself to the style of writing. This was very powerful. Great job! :)
Lady Bracknell chapter 1 . 11/14/2007
I really loved this. I think there's something so bittersweet about the idea of Sirius and Lily, and the way this isn't linear and does have that raw, broken feel, really captures that. I really loved this line: "She was incomparable. So many girls had flitted in and out of his life, a montage of flavors, like sampling hundreds of desserts for a chef."
Gaby Black chapter 1 . 10/31/2007
I loved it, even thought I don't really like the idea of Lily/Sirius. Great job!

- Gaby
NicolettexMarie chapter 1 . 10/30/2007
I totally loved this... My favorites were smell and touch... There's just something so amazing and beautiful about being able to remember a person's smell, or the way they feel against you... It was really, like... raw and emotional... and also very good. :)
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