Reviews for A Lone Blossom in the Dust
MajorRomantic chapter 8 . 7/17
I love this story please update again soon
Iris chapter 2 . 6/27
Please complete this book
scarletwhite46 chapter 8 . 11/10/2019
i know this twelve years old but can you please continue
Princessawkward chapter 1 . 5/27/2019
So I know this was twelve years ago... but I see you’ve been writing recently, so I assume it is still a passion of yours. I don’t want to bother you, but I was just wondering if you could possibly update this story? Maybe just give us a closing chapter? I only just found this story and I really love it but am heartbroken at where it left off. No pressure, but I (and I’m sure many others) would really appreciate even just one more chapter to this amazing story! Thank you so much for writing!
Guest chapter 8 . 5/20/2019
So I know this was twelve years ago... but I see you’ve been writing recently, so I assume it is still a passion of your. I was just wondering if you could possibly update this story? Maybe just give us a closing chapter? I only just found this story and I really love it but am heartbroken at where it left off. No pressure, but I (and I’m sure many others) would really appreciate even just one more chapter to this amazing story! Thank you so much for writing!
Yuxi chapter 8 . 4/14/2019
I read it all knowing this was updated in 2007 and have only 8 chapters. No regrets
Guest chapter 8 . 11/20/2018
Plz don’t make flora get raped plz make someone Helia her and have her dad go to jail
none ya chapter 8 . 8/31/2018
Its 2018 and im reading this id like to point out
FloraXhelia chapter 8 . 8/29/2018
this is amazing plz make more (OH by amazing i didn't mean all the vilance i mean the fact that you made then high school students this kinda reminds me of heathers hehe)
Guest chapter 8 . 7/9/2018
Continua pronto!
goddessqueen222 chapter 7 . 6/2/2018
I think Riven is a brother figure towards Flora in this story, it's cute.
felicia chapter 1 . 4/19/2018
I love flora soooooo much 3
florawinxclubxx chapter 8 . 3/22/2018
I know this is like 10 years on but i love this story and flora is my favorite too please carry it on
Anonymous chapter 7 . 3/8/2018
This is really good, I hope you continue it
Anonymous chapter 8 . 3/8/2018
Are you going to continue this?
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