Reviews for For the Sake of Love chapter 2 . 8/27/2009
LOL that was very ineresting to read.

Honsetly I can really see Gaara as a little boy talking calmly to the boggieman tee hee :)

Ure a very creative writter (did I speel that rite?watever) oh and Gaara is MINE *snatchs gaara and leaves** _
Gaara-frenzy chapter 4 . 8/9/2008
hahahahaha lmfao PANDA! i like to think of him as more of a raccoon besides raccoons are more aggressive than pandas ;D i hope you update soon!
k92littlered chapter 4 . 5/27/2008
this chapter was awsome. i can't wait for the next they don't all have to be hilarious.
Loubhin chapter 4 . 5/10/2008
*glomps you*

My Panda-chan was chibi! I'll love you forever for this!

It made my day, made me giggle, and broke through my gloom like a ray of sunshine through stormy clouds!
Loubhin chapter 3 . 12/15/2007
He's only there for the cookies! HAHA! BRILLIANT!

Wait...I'm reviewing...does that mean you're forever indebted to me? Hurrah! To repay me, you must UPDATE!
Loubhin chapter 2 . 12/15/2007
Hehehe...HAHAHAHA! I love this hilarity! I really do!
Loubhin chapter 1 . 12/15/2007
*thought bubble appears above head* Chibi Kankuro... *crudely drawn chibi of Kankuro appears in thought bubble* ...being chased by... *crudely drawn chibi in thought bubble flees for life in typical panicky chibi fashion* ...murderous Temari... *crudely drawn Temari with fangs dripping saliva, long sharp claws, and cute little devil's horns poofs into existence in thought bubble behind chibi Kankuro*


-insert hysterical laughter here-
hyperchick772 chapter 2 . 10/8/2007
OMFG! *hypervintilating* (cant spell) this chap was awsome u rock!
Manialoll Spins chapter 1 . 9/24/2007
I really like your story! Very chibi! It was also extremely funny! Can't wait 4 the next chapter :D