Reviews for Moonlight Ghosts
Cassandra30 chapter 1 . 4/12/2014
Wow! Spectacular!
echoing noise chapter 1 . 6/5/2010
the way this was written was so good! it was really understandable, which is good because it COULD have been really confusing. I love Ginny in denial, becuase that's just how I always picture her: scared, angry, lashing out at everything she sees as 'wrong', I love how you did her.

The conversation, to be continued eternaly, never ceasing, pausing, or stopping, a moment frozen... I love it, how sad it is, and the line,'Do you see them, my dear? Aren't they handsome together, standing in the moonlight?'

I love it, I love it. So sad, but I think you're right- it had to be told. It makes me think of abandoned ruins of hogwarts, and empty classroom, a mother, wise, old, remembering, telling her child of the beauty in the horror of what happened...

'Do you see them, my dear? Aren't they handsome together, standing in the moonlight?'
Kannibal Klehmenteen chapter 1 . 9/3/2007

You always make me sad by reading your stories, but in a good kind of way...