Reviews for The TriSchool Tournament
mumphie chapter 1 . 7/2
Fun! I'd love to read more of their adventures. Did Harry get to finish his courses? Did he get a Bachelore's degree or a Master's in anything? Did he apply it to anything Wizarding? How about meeting a great young witch in his summer travels? Ah well.
mumphie chapter 2 . 7/2
Fun. I'd love to read more of their
kimjo2 chapter 2 . 5/28
Wow! Great stuff! Thanks so much
GatorLHA2 chapter 2 . 4/18
Excellent story, excellent plot.
stevem1 chapter 2 . 3/27
A good action packed Harry Potter AU. He’s much more pragmatic and sensible than in canon.
gabzep chapter 2 . 12/20/2019
I love these two!
enji-benjy chapter 2 . 11/8/2019
Chapter 1 was great, loved it all. This chapter seamed a bit redundant to be honest. Not bad by any means, it just didn't seam to have much of a point to it. The Vatican bit was amusing, but otherwise it just seamed to show what we already knew; the magical world won't change.
Guest chapter 2 . 10/13/2019
Harry deserved death for stupidity as well. Shame he’s still up and about being retarded.
Guest chapter 1 . 10/6/2019
I loved this chapter, Harry killed those challenges and breezed through!
Ricci615 chapter 2 . 10/6/2019
I love smart Harry. Great job as always, but it's a little weird how efficient the ICW was in the first chapter then how corrupt they were in the second. Love your take on the TriWiz.
alix33 chapter 2 . 9/16/2019
Yum! at the sound of the Vatican's Special Library of Antiquities but also EW! (because of the books therein that are the spoils of cruel victories) .
Way to go, squib lawyer! at those lawsuits against the British magical press and other British witches and wizards you won on Harry's behalf.
Cool! that Remus now has a full-time, well-paid job as the Press Responsibilities Foundation's overseer.
Cool! at the magical copies Harry created of the useful scrolls, books and manuscripts in the Vatican's Special Library of Antiquities.
Thank you, Madam witch in Bucharest.
"kneecap" should be one word.
Yay! I was hoping that Harry and Sirius kept at least some of the copied books from the Vatican Special Library of Antiquities for themselves.
Wow! at Harry's OWL and NEWT results. Congratulations, Harry.
I think Sirius is still far too kind with his "Dumbledore's not a bright chap".
I had to Google to learn when Hilary term was.
"re-enter" should be hyphenated.
Did you mean "six wands"?
"well-to-do" should be hyphenated.
Yay! at Neville finally paying so that a wand could choose him.
"self-defense" should be hyphenated.
Hey there, Hedwig, long time no see. Hey there, Sirius' owl! Pleased to make your acquaintance.
"frostbite" should be one word.
As should "waterlogged.
I think the Dark Lord Voss is Headmaster Streeler (I was wrong, it seems, as Streeler just died in the quintaped attack. OK, I wasn't wrong. Streeler somehow got resurrected).
Jesus H Roosevelt Christ, do all dark lords talk so freaking much?!
alix33 chapter 1 . 9/16/2019
EW! How on Merlin's green earth did Dolores Umbridge a) get anyone to marry her and b) another dim-wit to have an affair with her?
Yay! for how those ICW security wizardsa dealt with Lucius Malfoy.
Also vaguer. How much string? How thick? Magical? Non-magical?
"sidestepped" should be one word.
Hermione, do Harry and all of us readers a favour? Shut it!
Ron Weasley could go and get knotted for all I care, only I don't think he has enough to knot.
I think Harry is right: Dumbles is so busy ruining other people's lives that he doesn't have time to source competent teachers for Hogwarts.
In your Potter-verse for this fic, does each German state have its own magic school or are there ones for the north, south, east, west and central Germany or how do you envision their school system working?
Did you mean for Sirius to say "worse than the labyrinth"?
IMO Hermione should count herself extremely lucky that Harry still talked to her at all, given her sucky, lecturing and demanding attitude.
Did you mean for Harry to think "'its main weapons"?
"heartbeat" should be one word.
Maybe Minister Diggory has always wanted to be a preschool or kindergarten teacher.
"mind-bending" should be hyphenated.
"nonetheless" should be one word.
Dumbles, Harry won't come crying. He loathes Hogwarts with every fibre of his being and it is your and your colleagues' and Harry's fellow students' fault.
"runners-up" should be hyphenated.
Yelling won't help now, McGonagall. You should have treated Harry better in his first years at Hogwarts.
Yay! at prof. Flitwick twigging what's going on and suggesting private tutors for Harry.
I understand Harry's ambivalence regarding Hagrid.
And his loathing of Dumbles, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger.
Ginny Weasley seems even more loathsome than her jealous git of a youngest brother.
Jeez, doubly sorry, Neville (that Ginny strung you along and that Harry never became a better friend to you).
"single-handedly" should be hyphenated.
Did you mean "his teammates' idiocy"'?
I liked and agreed with every syllable of Harry's telling-off of McGonagall.
"telling-off"' should be hyphenated.
And those lessons that Harry's upbringing taught him is IMO the law of unintended consequences biting Dumbles in his superannuated arse.
Yum! at the sound of the rebuilt Black Manor and the place to use in Paris.
Also yum! at the prospect of Sirius tutoring Harry for his NEWTs, by the sound of it.
Gouravsilentreader chapter 2 . 9/15/2019
Awesome story
Love it
Tenjo chapter 1 . 6/17/2019
Not a fan. Yes, intellect and cunning are important and it would be very interesting if there was one task wholly reliant upon it or if all the tasks could be solved either through it, brute force and/or talent. You made every single one of them trick questions. Only the final task had an actual series of challenges but even then, it mainly consisted of riddles and in the end it could have been won within minutes by anyone who was cynical enough. Where was the magical prowess or the inventive way around what was intended? Where was the challenge?
Ricci615 chapter 2 . 6/12/2019
I love GOF fics. There's so much to work with. And I love alternative GOF tasks. Yours were especially awesome. Thank you for this. One question though. What happened to make the ICW so corrupt and ineffective in the second chapter? In the first chapter they were gangbusters and extremely effective at getting rid of the corrupt baddies, but then 3 years later, they are just as bad as the British MOM.
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