Reviews for The Blind Girl
falsedfaith691 chapter 18 . 8/23/2016
Great story loved it
Phoenix185 chapter 6 . 12/9/2012
one thing why did they need there chakra hmmm you need to tell us that
Guest chapter 2 . 10/31/2012
the big dogs name is bull it just sounds like buru in japanese cause of the japanese' dificulty with the letter L
z-Madness-z chapter 1 . 3/24/2009
You might wanna reread this and check for spelling and grammar mistakes I found a few.

But the story is really good! Shiruba sounds pretty dang awesome.
Jikage chapter 8 . 2/2/2009
Oh how I love Itachi and his SasuNaru project.
Violet Winged Angel from Hell chapter 11 . 1/18/2009
It's so...-nosebleed from lack of words-




no again




I can't decide what word should I use!Wait!

-takes out a super sized dictionary-

It's Perfect!
Crazy PurpleSage chapter 18 . 5/11/2008
That was so good! I really enjoyed reading that! Shiruba was an awesome character. And how you did Sasuke and Naruto's relationship was just perfect! Oh, and I do love Itachi and Hinata, they're cute when you write them. Yay! I am so excited it all worked out in the end, though I thought that Suigetsu would end up with Shiruba!

Anyway, awesome job! I really hope you do a sequel because I know it will be fantastic.

InsomniaticFrenchToast chapter 18 . 12/29/2007
Ok first let me begin this long review for this story by saying that I LOVE SasuNaru however with your story a few things kept bugging me.

1. Spelling and grammer errors were present throughout this entire story, if english is your second language then I find this perefectly okay, however I do suggest that you look for an editor or a beta-reader because honestly the way words were mixed up or used out of context made this difficult to read.


"Shiruba have stopped moving." have should be has

"he had just sat away all the food on the diner table " okay this makes it hard to understand what you meant, sat I think should be 'put' because 'sat' being there doesn't make any sense

also you had alot of dots when characters were stuttering instead of putting those dots why not just say they stuttered? It makes it easier to read.

2. Okay I think some of the plot was overused ands sometimes this story just dragged on (plz take no offense to this)the whole Itachi being a good guy thing and Sasuke forgives him its overused. I'm sorry but it is and it bugs the hell out of me. Also the whole Kyuubi helping naruto get pregnant thing...also bugs me. No mpreg does not bother me if it is well written, yours seems to be an after thought.

3. OCs do not normally bug me if they are well written. Your OC seems to me to be a mary-sue, thats okay because we are all guilty of creating these at some point, however when Shiruba keeps on being all powerful it gets annoying. She didn't seem to have any faults, and she had the typical Mary-Sue background.

4. Your characters are more OOC than should be normal for a SasuNaru fic. Itachi would not act that way...he just wouldn't...Sasuke would still be hostile towards his brother regardless of everything, Naruto seems to me to be a bit weaker than he actually is. You have no clue how much it bugs me when Naruto is all angsty,or girly, or anything like that. Naruto is obnoxious, serious in battle (sometimes), loyal beyond all reason to his friends, and he is a bit clueless.(Which is why we all love him)

5. What I hate about all fics (Including my earlier works) is the fact that some people don't do any research into japanese culture! In no country is it legal or acceptable to be married to someone of the same gender hell its not even acceptable in many countries to DATE someone of the same gender (I think they have something similar to marriage in the UK but thats all I know)

"While homosexuality had never been viewed as a sin in Japanese society and religion and was only briefly restricted by legal prohibition, Despite the recent trends that suggest a new level of tolerance, as well as open scenes in more cosmopolitan cities (such as Tokyo and Osaka), Japanese homosexuals often conceal their sexuality; with many even marrying persons of the opposite sex to avoid discrimination, While civil rights laws do not extend to protection from discrimination based on sexual orientation, some governments have enacted such laws. The government of Tokyo has passed laws that ban discrimination in employment based on sexual identity."

A few of things that I actually this story was the bits humour (all though those were few) the SasuNaru, and the ending which reminded me of PotC 3 at world's end. I personally recomend having an editor t would help you alot.

I apologize if this long and ranting review seems to offend you...that actually happens quite alot when I review even if its constructive criticism. Honestly I also think Foamy the Squirrel has entered my brain and taken over...
Broken Sexed Up Bloody Kitten chapter 1 . 12/12/2007
Heya! I totally loved it!
Smori chapter 18 . 11/13/2007
I can't believe it's over... T_T I miss it already, but everyone lived happily ever after! YAY!
Yumekui7 chapter 18 . 11/12/2007
nice! . it was awesome!
Fayalora chapter 18 . 11/12/2007
Very well done, you are very creative and I can't wait until you write more. _&
You Light The Sky chapter 1 . 11/12/2007
COOL! There's an oc in this taht doesn't interfere with the pairing. I'm a SasuHina fan but I'm also ok with NaruSasu because my friend is gay and he showed me it isn't a bad pairing. So this is my 4th time reading such a fanfiction and I like it alot You'll hear from me again as I progress through readin this
Shrimps of Mass Destruction chapter 18 . 11/12/2007
hinatakyubi chapter 1 . 11/11/2007
Loved this story. I think you should do a sequal to it. I think maybe you should do something about Suigetsu. I kinda feel sorry he lost Shiruba.
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