Reviews for One Year
Guest chapter 10 . 9/2/2014
Please update soon!
LunaOlcaRaca chapter 10 . 3/22/2013
Hahaha :)) I can't wait for ur next update and I hope that Toshiro is present when Ichigo and Isshin visits the academy
LoveGlutton chapter 3 . 11/11/2012
Perhaps you should pick a different command, Karin. I doubt the male members of your squad will appreciate that thought."

May I ask exactly WHAT that was implying to
Sanauria Maldhun chapter 10 . 3/29/2012
Why the heck are you ending this! I was soooo looking forward to it!

Anyway, awesome chapters! loved them!
Sanauria Maldhun chapter 7 . 3/29/2012

Want more HitsuKarin moments, please~

I LOVE you fanfics!
Sanauria Maldhun chapter 1 . 3/29/2012
alamodie chapter 10 . 3/9/2012
Aww, well thanks for the post anyways, it's been fun!

Good luck with your future endeavors

(I love saying that P)
Baxter54132 chapter 10 . 3/8/2012
Awwwwwww you don't need to give up on it :/

That's a bummer... it was a fun read.

I liked this drabble chapter, the upperclassman made me smile.

Good luck with your other stories!

Shadow Shad3 chapter 10 . 3/8/2012
plz dont stop writing this its really good im looking 4ward 2 it!

Baxter54132 chapter 9 . 1/7/2012

finn jr chapter 9 . 9/13/2011
so... would it be too much to ask you to update?

(it's been a year, but... please?)
sayo-chan64 chapter 9 . 4/21/2011
LOL, I like this fanfiction. I just checked it out on a whim & I'm totally in love with this. It's sassy & funny-great mix-that I could keep reading 'til the end. Nice job!

penholder4 chapter 9 . 1/9/2011
Woo! I'm liking it please continue!
MeteorLeopard chapter 9 . 11/14/2010
Oh wow, I laughed so hard at all of these drabbles! I really like your writing style; short and to the point with plenty of funny scenarios in there that I can really imagine the characters doing or saying.

I think my favourite chapter so far was the: studying Sucks one. That was just so funny that I read it over again!

Please update these drabbles! You have an excellent writing style and these funny little snippets are really worthwhile reading. Thanks for posting them
xWellJustMex chapter 9 . 10/7/2010
I like ur story but it seems that Ichi still sucks in sensing and controlling reiatsu... :D see you next chapter!
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