Reviews for Custody
Crystal Gem chapter 41 . 10/6/2019
Can we at least know if Robin stays in contact with his friends on the baseball team? I wanna know how they reacted to him not coming to the baseball game and not talking to them for the month that he was missing.
Rehabilitated Sith chapter 17 . 2/6/2019
O crap! Dude, that was an amazing twist.
Rehabilitated Sith chapter 6 . 2/5/2019
Sad that Robin has to go to Clark to learn some semblance of balance...
Katla1 chapter 41 . 7/26/2018
Wow! It's over, and it was great! Definitely worth the read! :D
What can I say... My favourite scenes were when Slade forces Robin into submission and when Robin finally defeats Slade in the climax. That battle scene between the Bat, Slade, and Robin was phenomenal.
Glad to see that father and son hug at the end! This final chapter warmed my heart, and you had a couple of jokes in here that made me laugh out loud.
Well, this is the last comment form me. You deserve all the fan attention you got from this story. It was incredible.
Katla1 chapter 37 . 7/26/2018
May I just say... I KNEW IT!
Is Batman known for those elaborate, seemingly unrealistic plans? It seems like such a batman thing. And a Sherlock thing. It must be a detective thing. They seem to love faking their deaths with elaborate plans.
Looks like Slade is going in for another whack. I just want Bruce to save the day and give Dick to hug!
Katla1 chapter 35 . 7/26/2018
I just know Batman is still out there! I just know it!
I like reading this tender side of Slade, even though it's a false, sickening tenderness. And finally help is on the way! I want Robin to be rescued so bad. I want to see his spirit come back! I hope he gives Slade a woopin!
(As a random side note, I like when you show us what Alfred's up to, and I'm glad he got a hug in this story because Alfred deserves to mourn and be comforted too.)
This story gets better with every chapter!
Katla1 chapter 34 . 7/25/2018
I really enjoyed that battle scene at the end! It was a nice change of pace, and super entertaining. I'm looking forward to seeing her meet Superman.
Nightenbird chapter 5 . 7/25/2018
Robin was a teenager. Teenagers wanted to make those years like a movie. Teenagers wanted to have fun. They wanted to fall in love and go to parties and make rivalries and have contests and watch TV thrillers. It was a literal checklist of what they had to do during those appointed high school years. Robin was no different. He didn't realize it all of the time, but he still had all of those qualities despite his disposition to be fastidious when it came to his work. It was one of the few weaknesses that Slade didn't blame Robin for having, just because of the boy's age. On the plus side, it made his job that much easier.
-teen titans go to the movies
Katla1 chapter 33 . 7/25/2018
No Robin, don't give up!
That part where he surrenders was the hardest to read. I wanted him to keep fighting, to never give in, but I know he's been through so much... I hope Slade is much more lenient in the coming chapters. Too much whump can numb the reader. (I read a fic where EVERY chapter was as depressing as this, from chapter 1 to the final chapter. It didn't even have a happy ending.)
I'm enjoying this fic, even though it makes me cry a lot. I can't put it away. I stay up all night reading it.
Nightenbird chapter 2 . 7/25/2018
Oooh, Slade knows! But will he kill Dick too, or just kill Bruce as a means of using it against him to be his apprentice? :0
Katla1 chapter 30 . 7/25/2018
Oh Robin... X'(
Katla1 chapter 27 . 7/25/2018
I feel physically ill. Someone please save him!
Katla1 chapter 24 . 7/25/2018
Slade you dummy that's not how to get kids to like you.
And WHY are you smiling?!
Ps: Actually really enjoyed the OCs, and I'm not an OC fan. I guess I like them as long as they don't hog the spotlight. :P
Katla1 chapter 22 . 7/25/2018
Grrrroooooaaaaannnnn... This chapter is so good, but groooaaaannnnn...
Katla1 chapter 21 . 7/24/2018
I thought this chapter was great! It got my heart pounding and I'm SO curious to see what else Slade has planned. (Dang, I think Slade is just the best villain, and I love you write him, even though the mystery of actions is driving me insane.)
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