Reviews for Geniusly Insane
Kinda.Sorta.Insane chapter 1 . 9/20/2009
Love the pairing. Love the plot. I'm glad that you put in some of the details that most people would leave out. It's definitly a story worth reading
ArkanianHyde chapter 1 . 8/10/2008
my reactions well completely in tuned to arisada's i must say, which gave me the most LULZ.

i liked this pairing. and i'm sorry Natashou doesn't get that much attention... he's so cool and creative...*dreamy hero-worship dazed stare into the distance*
loretta537 chapter 1 . 2/19/2008
this is good, i would like more about natashou's parents and stuff. doesnt he live in the dorms? could we have a chapter or two on his relatives visit and how it affects him?

do you know where i can read/get scans of the magna?
getaiyou chapter 1 . 2/7/2008
*smirks* Devious.
abovetheruins chapter 1 . 9/11/2007
Oh my...Woffy I think you've converted me to this pairing. I admit I raised a sceptical brow at first when I saw the pairing, but by the end I was squeeing with fangirly happiness.

It was just too adorable, the banter between the two. Everything seemed completely in character, from Natashou's spazzy-ness to Arisada's manipulativeness. . Aw, and I love how he was so disappointed when Natashou worried over his dresses.

Excellent job, Woffy! I grinned throughout the whole thing.

*thumbs up*