Reviews for Princess Tiki and Her Fresh Fish Prince
ahhh chapter 23 . 9/5/2012
WOW love it must haves...
MyLe Tran chapter 23 . 6/16/2010
i loooooove this story! i stopped reading it a long time ago bcuz u stopped writing but i discovered it again n it AMAZINGGG! i love this story a lot a lot a lot. you are a very talented writer:)
xoannazashleyy chapter 23 . 5/24/2009
this is one of the best stories uve ever written! keep on making them!
Starship Gazer chapter 19 . 9/6/2008
maybe you could write another story about sharpay's theropy sessions, Great job!
MustafaSuzzivan chapter 23 . 9/3/2008
Oh, interesting bittersweet feel here! I like how the kids aren't turning out exactly as Troy wants them, and how Troy and Shar's relationship isn't anywhere near perfect. It's not particularly romantic, but it is real life (aside from the magical fish and whatnot). And that's what makes this fic so different. Great job, looking forward to more from you:-)
MustafaSuzzivan chapter 22 . 9/3/2008
Gha! I've just come back from the worst vacation of my life! But this has cheered me up considerably, so thank you for that.

Lovely Troypay interaction, so sweet and understated! I'm off to read the next...
Dontia chapter 23 . 8/29/2008
A lovely ending to a great fic. Well done!
Morkhan chapter 23 . 8/25/2008
troypazash chapter 23 . 8/24/2008
Fantastic epilogue! I had a feeling they'd be back on the island with their own adorable family. It was so cute when Mano asked when Troy was bringing the rest of their offspring lol. I think the thing I loved most about this is how human their relationship, its not perfect but flawed but there's still so much love. You wrote a really beautiful relationship, I'm sad to see it end but I definitely am looking forward to more from you. I know that you're busy but I was thinking a one-shot before HSM3 in Jack's POV (since I know that you love him) would be awesome if you could find the time. Otherwise I'll try to wait patiently for a few months until your next fic!
RdRidingHood chapter 23 . 8/24/2008
haha that was a great endind i loved this story and glad you finished it
CanonAntithesis chapter 23 . 8/24/2008
Great ending. Loved how their lives weren't picture perfect, but they still loved each other. Also loved how overprotective Troy was.

Can't wait for your next one.
Little Girl Bloo chapter 23 . 8/24/2008
I'm sad to see this end, but this whole story has been truly amazing. Both versions. I'm definately gonna miss it.
Stessa chapter 23 . 8/24/2008
Aw, this certainly has been some of a ride. I've really enjoyed this. It's a great idea, very creative.

I particularly liked how you made it so natural, it wasn't forced at all, even if you let one of the songs inspire you. It's really great how you do that.

And of course I liked that you made two endings for us. The best authors ever will do that for their readers.

Thank you for this wonderful fic.
writerchic16 chapter 23 . 8/24/2008
Hehe, that ending was so that both endings were "happily ever after" for Troy and Sharpay, and not-so-happy for Gabriella, lol. Amazing job on this and I have to say I'm a little sad to see it end.
troypazash chapter 22 . 8/21/2008
Very cute update! The title was also very fitting for this chapter. I loved how descriptive you are with everying, I really get a good picture of where a character is or what they're doing. I thought it was so funny that everyone else had to go to therapy. Too bad the Boltons can't sue Gabriella, that would be great! I'm very excited for this epilogue but I'll be sad to see it end. I hope that you'll have time to write a one-shot or two before HSM3 comes out. But I'm excited for your next story featuring some new material!
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