Reviews for Hell Cavern
Elysian chapter 3 . 5/28/2016
Wow, i know this is quite old and i don't normally review but i had to for this. I'd been looking for Warcraft slash for a while and I'm so happy i came across this, the storyline and characters were so well thought out and written, took me a few days to finish this and i was not disappointed, truly the BEST WoW story I'd ever read, hands down. Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful work! :)
Guest chapter 55 . 11/18/2013
i wonder if the horde or the alliance ever noticed the sudden drop in troops over the time there people where in the cavern? if not poor leadership indeed
alexiaashfold chapter 1 . 1/3/2012
It is fascinating and amazing to find female involvement in slash parts triggering virtually none antagonistic sentiment. The hallmark of family affections in your stories is eminent and often makes me bump into , naturally assumed Foster is to start his own house and how is that going to be conciliated with his baby brother ? It is conceivable agony will do its part to secure the "right track". Thrilled to find out...
anon chapter 55 . 7/10/2011
Omg, so glad I found this story. What a great ride it was. Wonderful characters. Glad it ended well, but I am curious what will happen to Rain and co here on out. Hopeful explained in the short stories D?
JtheChosen1 chapter 55 . 1/25/2011
Truly...a great story here! I am sad to see it has ended but pleased to seen it done so in such an amazing fashion!
Baroark chapter 55 . 1/24/2011
NOOOOOOO ITS OVER D: but zomg so amazing XD I love reading your stories. This story is deffs worth 10/10 WELL DONE!
Kitsunekooromie chapter 55 . 1/24/2011
A perfect end to an amazing story. I found myself tearing up at the end. Thank you for bringing these amazing characters to life!
Deewrites chapter 55 . 1/24/2011
Even though I am not very keen on yaoi mostly to be honest, I did enjoy the well written scenes you created.

Very likable storyline, luring you into its imaginary travel. Very well written, well thought and detailed storyline. I find you, your sister and a couple of other writters on this forum some of the very talented writters that manage to keep a person to the edge of ones seat. Graving for more. Some stories working to wonder what will happen next and if it is a guess or a surprise to what you write next. Also thank you for sharing this wonderful piece of story with us. I really liked it.

Regards rooietroll
Baroark chapter 54 . 1/5/2011
gasp D: i dont want it to be over its to good ! this story is perfect, i wont ever stop reading your work. much love
Firefall Varuna chapter 53 . 12/31/2010
GLEE... rub a dub dub, three elves in a tub. *leers* (couldn't resist)

Yes, Sis... you are breaking your ratio. Not that it's a bad thing. _~
Ausable chapter 53 . 12/30/2010
I did a review a while ago, but I posted with my real name! Just wanted to repeat that I really really enjoyed this, their first nooky in freedom :)
Deewrites chapter 53 . 12/25/2010
Perhaps strange, but Demoncraft actually gets set into a more lets say, appreciated side for me with some of his actions.

And it is beyond doubt it would be turning anybody crazy in a cavern like that, he still seems to have a confidence somewhere.

I could be wrong ofcourse.

I doubt Rain is willing to go with his father if he has the choice given. Even though Rain has lost his eyesight, it is sweet of Falcon to make the scartissue smooth again, at least it will not feel raw anymore. A shame for having such a thing will probably always scar a person beyond imagination.

Looking foward to the new chapter
gaarassexkitten chapter 53 . 12/23/2010
omg omg omg I love you . . . Please do write your short story I would kill for it. -pulls out knife- just point me in the right direction :O
Someone chapter 53 . 12/22/2010
This was a great, sexy chapter. I cast my vote for some insight on how Falcon spent the rest of his night. Can't wait for the next one. Keep it up!
general zargon chapter 53 . 12/22/2010
I cast my vote for including the short story on how Falcon spent his night, though you'd think he'd been worn out from all the fun with Crystal and Rain. ;) You tell him, Rain! If you want to have some sexy fun with two hot night elves, then that's your business! :D Anyway, please keep up the excellent work and update soon! Happy Holidays! _
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