Reviews for Learning about love
Guest chapter 27 . 3/30/2019
Love this story! Sad to see it end.
Buddy'sBabe chapter 27 . 12/8/2018
What a wonderful story. I hope you can find the time to write more. You are talented
tanyaleigh chapter 27 . 4/24/2018
I know you wrote this forever ago but I wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed it!
Guest chapter 27 . 10/20/2017
I just read this story for a second time, and I'm adding it to my favorites. Love the growth of both Stephanie and Ranger. The drama with Malichi was compelling. And the epilogue was great, with their imperfections showing. Very well-written. Nice sprinkles of humor throughout. I think anyone who likes the JE books will enjoy this story.
Shanita67 chapter 27 . 4/17/2017
Loved their development. Appreciated Steph at the end
chicki'62 chapter 27 . 12/23/2016
loved the story!
great writing
great twists
and emotional
with humor!
Daffybduck chapter 27 . 11/19/2015
I fell in love with both stories! Wonderful job!
HungarianBebe chapter 27 . 11/4/2015
It was an amazing story
aruvqan chapter 27 . 5/25/2015
Good story, and not every happy ending comes with a wedding ring:-)
aruvqan chapter 25 . 5/25/2015
The military award levels top down are CMH - your medal of honor, Silver Star then Bronze Star. He probably would have gotten a bronze, probably not a silver (my dad had a silver and 2 bronzes, the silver for leudendorff bridge in the push up the Ruhr Pocket). Good story:-)
BobbieLove chapter 27 . 1/13/2015
I loved your story, thank you very much!
Babelvr54 chapter 27 . 10/19/2014
I love your story, I've read it numerous times and get sucked into the Plum universe every time. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with us

babefangirl chapter 27 . 2/12/2014
Loved the story! Action, love, and Ranger all in one! Wish you would consider writing more... Maybe about Carlos and Steph becoming a 'them' someday soon?
lillie.metcalffender chapter 27 . 1/21/2014
This was a great story, I love how Ranger and Steph have a relationship but it is not perfect. they have problems just like the rest of us. I am a babe fan through and through and I love this story. thanks for sharing. You should do a another one in the not to distant future where they do get married.
carrotmusic chapter 4 . 12/3/2013
What a conversation to have overheard, eh? Pretty hysterical! Thanks for sharing.
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