Reviews for What Doesn't Kill You
ImpalaLove chapter 1 . 1/5/2017
I'm not sure if you check the comments on here anymore but you should know that each and every one of your stories is freakin' phenomenal and I've been blowing through them like nobody's business. The raw emotion and the cleverness of the dialogue is just spot-on. I especially loved Ellen's distinct voice in this one. Well done!
NoilyPrat chapter 1 . 9/1/2016
Love your raw emotions here, even with the language. This is the way the boys would talk if not for the TV ratings and all. Love the details on the car accident - both panels, man! - and the ass chewing Sam gave Dean. Ellen gave Dean. And the apology from Dean. Love that Sam is back in the game - going to Cleveland!
ackeberlynn chapter 1 . 3/2/2012
You know, out of all the seasons of SPN, season 3 was probably the only time I felt I couldn't properly pin down Dean's headspace. With a single story, a single sentence even, right here, you helped me "get it":

"I ain't sitting on my ass waiting for the hell hounds."

That's pure, grade A, 100% Dean. Simple as that.

Thanks. :)
NC Girl chapter 1 . 11/5/2007
Again, another fantastic and realistic portrayal of true-to-life brothers! The dialogue is artfully done and once again your expressions had me laughing (and making mental notes). Too funny!

I’m also impressed with the level of emotion you presented without going overboard. I think that is very difficult to do and yet you made it seem effortless. And it’s all present and accounted for: anxiety, worry, irritation, frustration, sadness, hope, determination, excitement, etc.

But I was mostly struck by the ending. Thank you for ending this on such an upbeat and hopeful note. It’s such a light at the end of the tunnel.
Tari Roo chapter 1 . 10/15/2007
You know (brace yourself for RL insight) I have no way (bar illegal downloads from shady sources due to crap internet connections and pesky work firewalls) of seeing the new Supernatural season until who freakin' knows when... (stupid cable networks hogging my fav shows and no money to get said cable)... so your fics, esp the ones touching on the deal and breaking it and Dean's reaction (or lack thereof) and Sam's angst are like little pieces of heaven to an overly obsessed soul. So thank you - thanks for this fab fic of Dean and Impala hurt, Sam angst and general delight.

Return that phonecall, Tinkerbell. Save Dean! Save the ... whatever.
Linnie McCary chapter 1 . 9/29/2007
I love how truly expert and dangerous both of these boys truly are. Am so glad that Sammy blew out that tire! Ellen's tough and totally believable, too.
Brigid Tanner chapter 1 . 9/17/2007
You hurt the Impala! that's worse than hurting Dean! We didn't even get to see Dean all sweaty and shirtless fixing his baby : ) Great job with the boys. I could hear them as I read, and I LOVED Ellen bitching Dean out. She also did good telling Sam not to give up. Great story.
Trish62 chapter 1 . 9/17/2007
Another great little read. I worry about reading as much fanfiction as I do, because I don't think the show can live up to some of the quality stories I read. Nice job.
ciel4 chapter 1 . 9/16/2007
Didn't think you'd be back from holidays yet, only checked on the offchance... and here you are!

I loved this. You do such a great job exploring the boys' emotions by what they DON'T say, and the way Ellen clears away the fog is just perfect. The dialogue is completely typical of them as well, it sounds true in my head. Thank you so much for the unexpected present!
aussiemel1 chapter 1 . 9/16/2007
That was great. You get it so right with the dialogue and what the guys are thinking, I can absolutely see it playing out the way you wrote it, Dean becoming more and more reckless (and why wouldn't he, what's he got to lose?) and Sam losing hope.

I love how pissed off Dean got at his car being damaged. That cracked me up.
JennK528 chapter 1 . 9/16/2007
Loved it! You write such snappy dialog - it practically crackles between the boys. So well done.

And Sam is *so* gonna save Dean, whether Dean wants him to or not. *g*

I'm not a big Ellen fan, but you actually made me like her here. LOL!
brighette chapter 1 . 9/16/2007
Great car chase! You know what I was picturing in my head? The Dukes of Hazzard, Bo climbing out up on top of the General Lee with his crossbow...good times! I can't wait to see how the show handles the impending end of the year, because I think you've nailed it and that boy ain't going to go quietly into that good night. He's going to want to be in control of it and go down a hero.

I think you handled the boys well, as always - especially Dean. “Bitch,” he breathed and Ellen cocked her eyebrow as he glanced at her. “The bolt, Ellen. I’m talking to the fucking bolt.” And the 2 days to Cleveland. Both pure Dean. And I really liked Ellen's voice in this one, I could easily picture her in my head.
snchills chapter 1 . 9/16/2007
All right, Great job. Love the car chase, very exciting. I think you're right about Dean not wanting to wait for the Hellhounds. He's gonna want to go out fighting not laying down and Sam's not gonna rest till he finds a way out of the deal but I can see him getting desperate when he can't find one. Loved Ellen here too.