Reviews for Bridal Deception
musme chapter 6 . 3/15
I like it
Xyori Nadeshiko chapter 6 . 11/2/2019
Que mal, ojala vuelvas a escribir pronto chapter 1 . 12/18/2018
I love his story! Especially the friendship element at the start!
Melikalilly chapter 6 . 12/27/2017
I love this story
Faery66 chapter 5 . 8/17/2017
Hope to read more soon.

ShadowLady89 chapter 6 . 5/21/2017
Kaiser Wilhelm chapter 6 . 5/11/2016
I really love this story! I know how hard life is, so I will not ask you to finish this. You have no reason to feel like you have to. That being said, if you did write a little more, I'd absolutely read it! It's a very good story, and you have the pacing down perfectly. This is probably the best "fake romance becomes real romance" I've ever read! I hate unnecessary angst and drama (though most people would say that I am the ultimate purveyor of both things), so it's always lovely and refreshing to read something happy. In my experience, relationships begin with humor and end in angst, assuming they end at all. I've dated a lot of people in my life, and I can't think of a single relationship that didn't begin humorously in some manner. My current partner can absolutely vouch for that!

Anyway, I think I will end with a horrifying statistic that I figured out. I was thinking about how much DNA Hinata and Neji would share since marrying first cousins is legal in some places. Normally first cousins share about 12.5 percent of their DNA, which is a lot. I then realized that Hiashi and Hizashi are identical twins, which means instead of sharing up to 50 percent of their DNA with each other like siblings or fraternal twins, they share 100 percent of their DNA. This means that Neji and Hinata have the DNA profiles of half-siblings, not first cousins. Neji and Hinata actually could share up to 25 percent of their DNA. It kinda blew my mind when I figured this out, so I hope it blew your mind too!
zoeazul chapter 6 . 1/20/2016
porfa, porfa, porfaaa, una conti...esto esta genial y no muchos fanfics de esta parejas son tan buenos, me encanto. sino lo queres seguir al menos deja un resumen de la historia porfavr
KazaHaru45 chapter 6 . 11/11/2015
Please do hurry up?!
darkstardragon432 chapter 6 . 1/22/2015
im sorry to hear your laptop and muse die i am going to try to relight the fire have you thought of impending war the cloud trying to steal their eyes again I know its not much I hope I can be of some help
FanficFanatics26 chapter 5 . 5/11/2014
This is great! Hopefully it's not discontinued ir abandoned. .. waiting for updates
UmbrasLupas chapter 5 . 12/15/2013
I want more
sleepingAngeL chapter 5 . 11/11/2013
Waa. I agree with Naruto; the story has adorable characters and kawaii moments. I've only recently started to read stories with this pairing and I love this story; it leaves me warm and fuzzy and has me fan-girling (I laughed at the moment the girls yelled "Competition!" after Sasuke left the teahouse). It's a great story with a lovely plot so far, so I can't wait to see what happens next (and what Sasuke's next action will be).
SparrowBlaze chapter 2 . 10/25/2013
Flustered Neji is so adorable.
SparrowBlaze chapter 1 . 10/23/2013
This is really good! I am super excited to read more.
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