Reviews for Save Me
akapella chapter 10 . 6/23
after everything that happened, after all the lives that were lost..." [ ... ] "Please... just don't make it worth nothing."

What an amazing and painful line. You're stories always tear out my heart! I wish you were still writing for the fandom, although I know, I know how falling out of one is. It's a lot like having a boyfriend - once you're done with him, you're done.

Thanks for these enduring stories! I've enjoyed so many of them long after they were published. ;)
Releqah chapter 15 . 5/26
This was amazing. Like really amazing. This along with your other fics is some of my favourite fma content. Thank you so much it was great and exactly what I was looking for. It kept me up until 6am one morning reading it because I couldn’t pull myself away Thanks again!
livjoanarc chapter 1 . 2/18
Hi it’s me again. I just wanted to say you are super talented and if you ever are bored and wanna come back to FanFiction I would be so happy! I need more hurt!Roy comforting!Maes it’s so dang cute and hurts my heart in all the best ways
livjoanarc chapter 15 . 1/29
omg, I loved it. read it all in one sitting too! now I really gotta go to bed yikes
livjoanarc chapter 5 . 1/28
"Even then they still chuckled a little as they said their goodbyes, each wiping tears from their eyes and wishing that they were dead." Wow what a tragic and powerful line
livjoanarc chapter 2 . 1/28
YO. this is exactly my cup of tea. I just finished watching Brotherhood for the first time ever, and now need some good ole fanfiction and this sure does the trick!
fluffykitty12 chapter 7 . 1/16
I need. More. Ed.
introverted-thespian chapter 15 . 11/12/2019
I don't know if you'll see this, seeing as it's been 12 years. Thank you so much for writing this. I'm literally sobbing right now because I got so immersed in it. Like especially the part where he saw Zane's name, I lost it. My heart
Joy chapter 6 . 2/18/2019
Good just u should have made the people that hurt the colonel paaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy
LonePiper chapter 15 . 12/11/2018
I enjoyed reading your fic. Thanks!
Efflorescent chapter 15 . 8/25/2018
it's been so long since I first read this fic and I STILL find myself coming back to it occasionally just because it's so good and tragic and beautiful.
motherdrukker chapter 15 . 7/31/2018
Ohhhh lord I'm crying my eyes out right now, the emotional deliverance in this fic is utterly amazing. You can actually feel Roy slowly start to lose it and then by the time it hits, you feel as lost as he does. The ending is beautiful, the memorial was perfectly well done and Roy's reaction to it (especially Zane ughhhhh) was super poignant and not too overdone at all. I usually shy away from angsty Roy fics, but GOD, am I glad I clicked on this one. Keep on writing, good author.
Baraayas chapter 15 . 7/14/2018
Oh God... I can't tell you how beautiful that ending was ;-; reading this fic was like one of the best bday presents I got!
Itisher chapter 15 . 7/12/2018
Sashiee27 chapter 15 . 6/14/2018
Thank you so much for this story. I started reading this today and with each chapter I became more entranced with the plot and Roy, Ed and Hughes' feelings. I knew I had to read this to the end, even if it took me till 2:30 in the morning as it did. It is really a piece of work. Beautiful! Thank you!
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