Reviews for Growing pains
son-princess chapter 11 . 2/1
This story I found today. Your a fantastic writer
Looking forward to the rest
Shimmr chapter 1 . 8/31/2018
I loved this story. Though John makes me so angry. Poor Sam I wish he could have told Dean the truth. I couldn't put this story down it is three in the morning and I just finished it. lol
laalaa1005 chapter 19 . 7/19/2018
This story was great and had a lot of detail! I enjoyed the long chapters, and I'm glad that it wasn't rushed! Really great job!
Aaaannngst chapter 10 . 11/3/2017
I bawled my eyes out in this chapter. Well done you. Great chapter, fantastic angst.
Elliesamdeangirl chapter 10 . 7/1/2017
Poor boy, in one sense John's made him tough and self sufficient, and good hearted and brave is down to Dean, but John forgets that a child needs love and made to feel good about themselves, and John's need for revenge has made him blind to his sons' aren't soldiers under orders, and he needs to remember that.
Elliesamdeangirl chapter 7 . 6/30/2017
No wonder Bobby fell out with John, what a bastard!Obviously, where Sam went wrong, since his dad left him at a predator's mercy, was acting like a Winchester and not letting himself be raped!Words fail me, maybe Dean will find what to say, like dad, you asshole!
Elliesamdeangirl chapter 2 . 6/30/2017
How true that wherever the Winchesters go, whether the Supernatural or just the evil human scumbags in our midst, hiding in public behind a mask of smiling affability, they find them!Sam has a lot to put up with, as John is such a self- obsessed asshole, who drinks away his is the one who does EVERYTHING for Sam, and to help his dad, as it's just distracting trivia, for him to have to deal with Sam's needs in the real two would implode without him in the middle!If John could read minds there'd be murder, it was hilarious when Sam was thinking of all the tasks his dad seemed to expect, a zillion push ups, running, chores etc, and all with a broom up his ass sweeping the floor!A twisted sense of humour is better than John's, which is none!
bateemma416 chapter 19 . 5/30/2017
Utterly amazing. It was extremly hard to put down. You had me in tears one moment and angry the next. Thank you for this amazing ride.
iB3LIEVE chapter 10 . 11/15/2016
HakSem chapter 19 . 5/18/2016
Wow... great
JennLark chapter 19 . 5/5/2016
Great story. I made the mistake and started reading it before work. It was so hard to stop. I could not wait to come back and finish it!
reader50 chapter 19 . 11/11/2015
Having read this whole story, I have come to the conclusion that you are one evil bitch to make the boys suffer like you did. I guess I must be one too, to have enjoyed their suffering. Why oh why do we want to hurt the ones we love in fanfiction? Seriously though, I couldn't stop reading. I liked the story so much. I cried a lot and even laughed some. I found it interesting that most fanfiction writers talk about Dean being so much like Mary while Sam is so much like his dad. But you did the opposite. KUDOS to you. Thank you for sharing.
loving-reader-and-writer chapter 19 . 8/31/2015
Very good story.
loving-reader-and-writer chapter 14 . 8/31/2015
I love this story. Every chapter is wonderfully long, theres no paragraph padding, you dont overlap point of veiws so much that is annoyingly redundant the characters are very much like thay are in the show and things a realistic.
Sassy sarcasm chapter 8 . 7/12/2015
Do you know where you can buy tomatoes and rotten fruit?
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