Reviews for You Can't Keep An Old Dog Down
hvm2k2 chapter 18 . 6/7
Oh I can just imagine what a shit-storm would happen if Bumblemore or Moldyshorts found out about the Stargate. Especially if Parselmouths can control Goa'uld. Still, would be awesome to see Harry taking out Voldedick with a zat.

Since Mystery Inc was talking about protecting the information related to the Stargate Program, I have to wonder if it would be some form of the Fidelius charm cast on the base.

The conversation between Dame McKnight and Hammond has me wondering just who the poor bastards that are going to be sent are. I think Snape will leak the location to Voldy (either on his own or with Dumbledore's prompting so he can 'show Harry how much danger he is in').

Arthur, Bill, and Remus I can see requesting to be interrogated with Veritaserum and just wanting to make sure Harry was safe and happy. Moody might want to personally train Harry.

Based on the pacing I'd guess this has between 5 and 15 chapters remaining. I'll be eagerly awaiting any and all future updates from this story.
monbade chapter 8 . 5/23
ChrisW96003 chapter 18 . 5/23
Any chance of an update? PLEASE!
WHCnelson chapter 18 . 5/17
Please please update soon
KnowInsight chapter 18 . 4/25
Great story. Though you might want to tag Sirius as a charcter and Jack. I found this looking for a Sirius suvives story. I'm sure I would have found it much soon. :D
Doni2 chapter 18 . 4/24
Begging for an update on this wonderful story!
RevDorothyL chapter 18 . 2/13
I loved reading what you and Corwalch wrote of this, even with all the problems that beset you both, and I'm very grateful you've posted as much as you have.

I'll just say 'thanks for the clever and character-rich and often funny-as-heck story' and silently hope that the muse may someday allow a return to this wonderful, invigorating crossover. :)
JOHN0713 chapter 18 . 1/28
Pretty good I enjoyed your story hope to see more.
ITC chapter 18 . 12/25/2019
This is great, so don’t you think it’s about time for an update, please?
Guest chapter 18 . 11/21/2019
awsome please please write more
AgentKalGibbs chapter 18 . 11/15/2019
AgentKalGibbs chapter 9 . 11/14/2019
Jack as a dog is hilarious!
AgentKalGibbs chapter 7 . 11/14/2019
This story is so good I can’t put it down!
AgentKalGibbs chapter 3 . 11/14/2019
This is extremely entertaining me :D
ms.meow1968 chapter 18 . 10/28/2019
I love this one it is a beautiful story so please let us know when you are attacked by the muse to get you to do the thing that makes the story come back I so enjoyed the story . It's up there with Ninjagate.
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