Reviews for Sainen
Los Grotos chapter 1 . 7/19/2015
My oh my. So many threads were left unpicked. How were their lives afterwards?
Kahli Hime chapter 1 . 6/21/2013
"Don't worry, Tenzou. We can share."
OMG can this guy be hotter? *loved it*
xSakuraWings chapter 1 . 10/21/2011
Really love the PeinSaku :) the YamaSaku is sweet too :D
MommaRussia chapter 1 . 8/12/2011
i like it!
ylfrettub chapter 1 . 3/11/2011
That is a good way to leave the story.
Kaelin The Black Swan chapter 1 . 1/2/2011
Like it, but cant get over the fact that she was here ... used, and she was ok with it without even giving her piece of mind about it
Shining Through chapter 1 . 12/26/2010, this was kinda amazing. I liked the PeinSaku development, personally I'm kind of just pretending that it's only PeinSaku, no YamaSaku even if I do love that pairing, but everything in this story was just so amazing: the plot, character development, and finally, the end when Konoha is restored and Sakura kills Danzou in the most epic way possible. Great job :) And don't worry, I take this seriously because Pein is way too sexy to be taken lightly
SerenityRainfall chapter 1 . 11/11/2010
great story

excellent characters, and funny dialog

I give it five stars! (And an extra for PeinxSakuraxYamato o 3o )
ecstacyharlot chapter 1 . 10/28/2010
"Well," Sakura snapped. "At least we have fluffier pillows."



Its really nice! D
Fire wolf93 chapter 1 . 8/3/2010
it was ok couldve been better
TillyMe chapter 1 . 7/24/2010
CU Administration chapter 1 . 6/8/2010
I swore I had already reviewed this fic...I guess not lol. I thought this was an interesting layout for such a strange threesome pairing. You actually put a story behind it when I was just expecting a bunch of smut( which isn't bad either lol) and although I think Pein was OOC, it wasn't bad here. If it was I definitely would have said so lol. Anyway great job on this fic, I really loved it. I love Yamato most though...he's my obsession right now lol.


poisonivylullabies chapter 1 . 6/5/2010
I can't really think of any constructive criticism, so I'll just talk about the things I especially liked :-D

You actually manage to make the pairing work. PeinSaku is just love and I've read a few YamaSakuKaka (whether it be triangle or threesome), but YamaSakuPein just takes the cake here. You manage to keep the characters true. Your portrayal of Yamato is especially good; how he promises to take care of Sakura, as befitting his duty (I think in canon he comes across as taking his duties to the village and a few select friends as an important and serious task, but not an unwanted one). He cares for her as a teammate and a friend's pupil, and those feelings gradually and realistically deepend to something else (understanding, friendship, love?) during the course of the story.

I wonder if Pein was telling the truth or just testing Sakura, when he said that he had been monitoring her for a long time, even going as far as to have Konan spying on her. And well Pein is a bit OOC, but then again in canon he doesn't have a sense of humour, so that change is more than okay.

Sakura calling Pein princess and sunshine just made me day, what with it being usually the other way around and Sakura getting nicknames from dangerous, hot men.

I also really liked your description of the "invasion". Hinata saying "your side", before Neji can even ask is just perfect.

(And Danzou thinking about marrying Sakura, eww. He's like close to 80 at that point?)

Black-Blue Moonlight Neko chapter 1 . 1/16/2010
i loved it pein is a hoe lol and ur author's note at the end was very visual lol
sleepyseagull chapter 1 . 12/6/2009
Loved it!
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