Reviews for Epilogue: The Palace of Silence
KyoREQUIEM chapter 1 . 1/15/2017
This series was so unique that I couldn't stop reading it, even though it was so messed up at times...

It's a story of gradual insanity and mourning on both Lelouch's and Suzaku's side. TT

Your choice of wording, details, and plot were so wonderfully woven. I can't even begin to think just HOW you manage to write like this. And judging by your authors notes and the themes/quotes you used in the stories, you seem to be VERY knowledgeable in literature. I can only hope to be like that one day~~ :D

Thanks for writing such an awesome series!
Rin chapter 1 . 5/14/2013
This whole series was so amazing, it broke my heart. Absolutely beautiful.
JapanManiac chapter 1 . 2/22/2013
This is... This really can't be described with any words. I love how unhealthy their relationship is, but they're far too deep now to be separated. Not only unhealthy, it is destructive, insane, and oh-so-addicting. The unreliable narrative is used so beautifully here, and while a lot of things are presented clearly, there's still a lot of things that actually need to be looked more than once to be understood. The whole arc feels detached from reality, which isn't a bad thing since both side of the stories doesn't provide the whole picture needed and they are, still to that point, lying to themselves, to each other, and to the whole world.

Which is why this fic is so in character it hurts. Especially since I can actually see this happening.
rethzneworld chapter 1 . 3/19/2012
just finished this arc. *sobs*

this is beautiful in a twisted way, yet i am hooked.
IrisWill chapter 1 . 2/12/2011
Whaa, so abstract and bittersweet~ Your portrayal of Lelouch is becoming one of my more favorite characterizations of him: the genius-crazy. A very very sad (in all the word's meanings) portrayal, but something about it is so real-like that's how the story really could have ended. And it's always fun to see Suzaku willingly and unconsciously subservient to Lelouch (he's caused Lulu too much pain!).

Oh btw, I don't know if your "compulsive freak"-ness is strong enough for you to go back and revise this, but you spelled "sealed" wrong near the end of your ff _
Aethyria chapter 1 . 11/30/2010
You are AWESOME (big fan, here). I read the entire house of mirrors series and they are one of the best code geass fanfics I've ever read. I am SO adding you to my fav authors. Continue writing, please - I'll be supporting u all the way!
SugarAndSanctimony chapter 1 . 11/27/2010
I feel seriously inadequate for the task of expressing exactly how wonderful this entire arc is, but here goes.

The thing I loved the most? Every line was contained within itself - quote any line from this, and it represents the entire piece, because there is so much complexity in every sentence.

That said, I think my favourite passage in the entire arc was this: 'Lelouch is like a poet who can't write without a muse. Suzaku is like a priest who can't preach without a religion.' It encapsulates their characters perfectly - and expresses it so beautifully.

Which leads me onto my next point: the characterisation. Was utterly flawless. The Suzaku/Lelouch relationship was expanded in such a subtle, nuanced way - made especially effective by the shifting p. . But even the characters who are not the primary focus seem to shine. For instance, this: 'Instead, they find old electronic files with state secrets from ten different nations, including their own. They can't resent Sayoko-san for outsmarting them and agree to give her a proper Buddhist funeral.' It pinpoints Sayoko perfectly, in only a few phrases.

Lastly? Imagery. You write like an artist, using language and imagery to shape and enhance a vivid narrative. Each line has a wonderful, measured flow, and the sheer complexity of every image is astonishing.

In summation: this fic? Is virtually a masterpiece. Kudos to you!
kyouruhi24 chapter 1 . 12/29/2009
i hated the Mirror Saga as much as I love Code Geass...

A truly beautiful fic.. the emotions that flowed are purely epic..

i'm torn between pity and rage over suzalulu's relationship..

frankly speaking, the way i understand the saga's concept, they are whores for each other (to put it bluntly)

loving.. but not quite loving..

using their bodies for pleasure and worldly (else unworldy and unholy) purposes...

suzaku loved lelouch more than he loved euphemia.. that i understand... but to be unable to put the horrible past behind for the person you hold dear so much at present is plain bullshit..

lelouch cries for the loss of his sister and longs for the person who left him at times he needed an ally at most.. partly sane when his insane side allows it... feeling, but not quite, the emotions his childhood friend bears for him...

i'm totally at loss.. are these instances fit for childhood friends or that of entangled lovers..? oftentimes, sex is no longer a boundary for love... this expressed quite prominently in the fic...

pardon my ignorance but i wish for an explanation..

a truly beautiful fic like this deserves better understanding than what my simple mind can offer..

call it mundane and immature, but with the belief that forgiveness comes with loving someone, i extremely find it difficult to embrace the obviously shown attachments of the main characters to the horrors of their past..

and what is this horrible truth all about? the one that sent lelouch in a frenzy and suzaku to a mad chase..? the truth that suzaku is so hesitant (even terrified) to reveal...?

i love your beautiful writing..

i just hope my questions can be put to light..

see you on your next installment..

i shall be here waiting for an update!

PS: If you don't mind so much, i look forward for a reply from you...(see above queries)
Hipster Zombie chapter 1 . 4/18/2009
I feel like a dork for crying from this but the emotions refused to a beautiful peice of prose it almost turned purple but I dont mind that..
ginger sugar chapter 1 . 4/9/2009
First off, I would like to tell you that I am sorry in advance, because I really do not have anything constructive to offer. All I have is my love for this fic and my complete and utter respect for you.

I would go back and re-read this fic again to tell you exactly what I love about it, but I can't. I'm afraid. Every twist and turn of the story makes me feel such strong emotions, and I'm afraid if I re-read it again my emotions would swallow me up from the inside out. It's stupid, I know, and again, I'm sorry.

Your writing style is beautiful. It just flows so well, that I can't help but mouth out the words as I read them, in my failing attempts to grasp at the myriads of meaning below the surface, yet it tastes sweet all the same. I've gotten far more from this fic than the series itself, and I'm sure that there are a ton of things I've missed.

My favorite of this series is "Path of Carnage". There is just something about the very last scene that hits home so painfully. Like the rest of this series, I just can't pin it down. There are a ton of things to love about it :Suzaku and Lelouch's dynamic (the way they cling onto each other because there is nothing else left), Lelouch's psychosis (the letters are really sweet and innocent, which somehow makes them even more sad. And the code...oh my gosh, how completely Lelouch), and the little pieces of foreshadowing and hints at what happened in the past, but most of all, it's beautiful simply because it is. It is art, a masterpiece, the sheer beauty adn emotional power leaving people in awe. In fact, I am now torn between the desire to pick up my pen and start writing something in my ecstacy,or just rip everything I've ever written into pieces and swear never to write again.

I am ashamed; this incoherent babbling does not do this fic justice. Yet it is all I can , when I am older and am finally able to completely re-read and appreciate the deep meanings and power of this fic in its full extent, I shall be able to write something better. For now, I will be watching you from the shadows, and working hard so that I could one day acheive somthing of this artistic stature.
Aria DC al Fine chapter 1 . 3/29/2009
OMG, OMG you made me cry again. This is the first time you show the extent of Lelouch's insanity, and it's heartbreaking.

I love this line:

The greatest of ironies is that all his life Suzaku has promised himself he would never forgive Lelouch for Euphie, would never love Lelouch more than Euphie. But now here he is, feeling a pang of jealousy at finally realizing that he can't replace Lelouch's lost ones either.

Why hold on to grief for so long? They only had each other...gosh Suzaku finally you realise that ...

I'm confused by IV, tho. Does it mean Lelouch returns to Brittania to be the Emperor again? and Suzaku's with him? (Suzaku's terms are over?) It's almost uncanny that Lelouch ends in white in season 2 while suzaku in black...but the last line...the two don't become immortals, right? the sense of resignment there is perfect, tho...

Sayoko, you pro-spy haha. I enjoy the arc immensely. please, please write more suzalulu D
insertappropropriatenamehere chapter 1 . 1/4/2009
so sad...
Jaricchi chapter 1 . 10/13/2008

it was fun!

keep it up!

though...does this mean zero is back? or lulu finallyw ent back o brittania?

but anyway...

it was fun!

Prenumbreon chapter 1 . 7/30/2008
I loved this whole thing so much, and this is so going in my favs. IMMA GO READ YOUR OTHER FICS! D
Samu chapter 1 . 6/26/2008
This fic arc needs to be read by more people! I enjoyed the conclusion, but I'll miss how you portray these characters. Lelouch's slow descent is sad to watch, and I definitely feel bad for both him and Suzaku.
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