Reviews for Get Out of My Dreams, Sesshoumaru
BashiYami chapter 1 . 7/17/2014
Did you know that originally, the esteemed Rumiko Takahashi wrote InuYasha's older brother, as InuYasha's older sister? The markings on his face were originally make-up instead of demon markings, after a favorite concubine of the Chinese emperor who had a scar on her face, which was the fad in the Chinese courts at the time. Some of his armor and clothing is even stylized in the form of the mainland's nobility.
I had a few good, long, deep-bellied chuckles after reading that. And then a few snickers, a few snorts. And then started laughing like a manic hyena, yelling "I KNEW it!" at my computer screen and anyone else unfortunate enough to be my friend during my momentary lapse in sanity.

"Please keep your sweet butt in the manga." Amen. Now if only other bishies did the same...

- DoP -
Salome Sensei chapter 1 . 7/24/2009
A wonderful morning titter! I'd say snicker, which is more the truth for the last line, but I don't want Sesshoumaru-sama angry in the morning.
auditoryeden chapter 1 . 6/24/2009
This is really, really good. C'etait amusent. Merci.
WhiteTigerLilly chapter 1 . 5/12/2009
Calla Bright chapter 1 . 4/2/2008
I can really relate to the sentiment of the poem . The other day on the train while daydreaming, (three guesses about whom) I had the same thought:Sessomarou is he ideal byronical hero. Can you imgine the havoc, if by the sheer volume of wishful thinking of fangirls, and the aegis of twisted divine humor Sessomarou became real?
Laruna8 chapter 1 . 3/25/2008
its good... but i think it is a little to late to prevent that ho- i mean youki from becoming an obsession... oh well he is just too great i am addicted *sigh*
KittyKaiya chapter 1 . 11/20/2007
(grinning like a cat that caught the cannary) That was great, and so very true. I'm glad I'm not the only who has thought that.
Liesie chapter 1 . 10/1/2007
Hahaha. That made me laugh. Keep up the good work!