Reviews for I Love
SaradaUzumaki98 chapter 7 . 6/10/2013
please make more chapter? I really loved it!:)
Haematic chapter 6 . 2/24/2013
I personally do not like incest at all, but it just seems to me that Sasuke is just going after Itachi is because he's hurting inside. So I'll make an exception with this and hope Sasuke will just come to his senses and just let Naruto in. :) But I also feel sorry for Itachi as well, as he knows he should not, in any sense, feel the way he does for his little brother.
Ah, did not expect body switch again! Did Naruto do something to make it happen? ;)
Haematic chapter 5 . 2/24/2013
Gah, I can NOT believe Itachi made Sasuke do those things when he was younger! Poor Sasuke, and yet is seems that he can't truely hate his brother even though what has happened! I hope Itachi doesn't make Sasuke do any more of those incestuous acts anymore! And Naruto, don't give up so easily! Ah, I want to slap Sasuke so bad, things are going downhill! D:
Haematic chapter 4 . 2/24/2013
Ah, I bet Sasuke got jealous of Naruto going around and flirting with all those girls, haha. Oh Sasuke, you just told Naruto that he's yours! Loved this chapter! XD
Haematic chapter 3 . 2/24/2013
Ah, great chapter! Sasuke aka Naruto is going to go on a date with Sakura! And Sasuke has learned that Naruto has had a crush on him for three years! :D love this!
Haematic chapter 2 . 2/24/2013
I can't believe the ANBU do those things to Naruto! :( Ah Sasuke, I wished you would've declined the ANBU to take the blonde! This story is getting very interesting!
Haematic chapter 1 . 2/24/2013
Great start! I've never read a Naruto story where Sasuke and Naruto switch bodies! I really like so far!
HoneyBee137 chapter 6 . 1/2/2013
Okay, I ADORE this story!
BUT you suck at keeping the story straight... sorry... but during Naruto's talk with Itachi they were totally talking about how Sasuke left to go to Orochimaru... which is NOT a part of this story... you made it a point to make sure that Sasuke DIDN'T go to Orochimaru... now you're just confuzzling me to no end! Please fix the errors in this chapter! I seriously love this story so I don't want the plot to get warped!
PS I love the whole love triangle thing with Itachi... my heart squeezes and normally stories don't do that for me... bottom line: great fucking story my friend, just fix the warped plot!
Littlebluefoxx chapter 7 . 7/10/2012
your drive has nothing. can u actually make it into a real chapter
FFHelaynia chapter 1 . 11/17/2011
1st I can't believe I'm reading this and it is not complete or have been updated at all in long while.

2nd will there be more to come or have this been given up? or something else?

3rd I love how you opened up on this and how it was ended and loo forward to what is left to read!
xXVioletRibbonXx chapter 7 . 4/17/2011
x33 love the story!
CaptainLissy chapter 7 . 12/6/2010
I like this story. I know it probably won't be continued but I hope it will be.
DragonGirl117 chapter 4 . 7/6/2010
awfully posesive for some one who doesn't love him eh?
Shiro Hiroki chapter 7 . 4/25/2010
I love this story! and sasuke's a * omg gsnfdakljnfs, are you still going to make it Narusasu, i think it should be itanaru, because it would be so difficult to forgive sasuke, no matter what, he's just so, so frustrating, sure he may still like naruto and all, but he totally ruined it with the 'get caught sucking off my brother and then tell the guy who still loves me that i want to have sex with my brother' even if he felt guilty, it was too much. But hell, this story rocks, which ever way the pairing goes! XD
Smencil chapter 3 . 2/3/2010
when are they transforming back?

naruto is evil in sasukes body :(!
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