Reviews for Civil War Hulk
Zero chapter 10 . 4/25
I love this...
Thank you.
Zero chapter 9 . 4/25
Zero chapter 8 . 4/25
When loki rips off bruce from hulk...
That reminds me so much to devil may cry 5...

Zero chapter 7 . 4/25
Zero chapter 6 . 4/25
Zero chapter 5 . 4/25
The end is nigh...
Zero chapter 4 . 4/25
Zero chapter 3 . 4/25
A world breaker hulk comes...when everyone is tired and damaged...
This cant end well...for the mankind.
Zero chapter 2 . 4/25
Im not a fan of civil war.
It becomes a endless drama .
Zero chapter 1 . 4/25
Kalaong chapter 11 . 12/13/2019
Hey, odd thought for a follow-up if you ever feel like writing it; you never mentioned how Stark got the funds to build the Negative Zone prison through insider trading and stock manipulation: In Civil War Frontline #9, Peter discovers that Stark "cashed in" - invested heavily in relevant industries after the SHRA was ratified but before it was announced.

Even better, the last issue of Civil War Frontline reveals that most of the country was *against* the SHRA, so Stark used Osborn - mind-controlled with nanites - to fake an attack on visiting Atlanteans, thereby using fear of war with Namor to encourage people to register to defend the country from the only man on Earth comparable in ego to Stark.

P.S. Ben Urich and Sally Floyd decided they *agreed* with registration, and tore a strip off of Cap for not "understanding" the modern world before visiting Stark and saying they'd decided to keep their mouths shut about his manipulations and let him run the country. Wonder where they were when Osborn became head of SHIELD.

You know, in hindsight, Civil War holds together pretty well if you treat it as something like Patricia Highsmith's "Ripliad" - the story of a con artist and serial killer who always gets away with his crimes.
Guest chapter 4 . 8/16/2019
You made hulk a bitch like you
Guest chapter 11 . 8/16/2019
Yo story sucks Bru u made hulk a b
zev.jagalur chapter 11 . 4/7/2019
Hmmm...pretty good,but did you HAVE to kill Norman? Surely it was at least a good idea to bring back one of Marvel's greatest well,this is the Marvel Universe,and any Marvel Universe has a revolving door of an afterlife...:)
zev.jagalur chapter 3 . 1/13/2019
Pity about Norman Osborn-he does a far better job as top cop than Stark or anyone in Dark he is freaking awesome.
Well,he's been dead before...:)
Keep up the great work!
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