Reviews for Tamers Requiem, Book 3: Less than Human
Guest chapter 15 . 10/27/2018
Honestly, I could see the talk Rumiko and Rika have fleshed out into its own one-shot with a few changes here and there.
Guest chapter 194 . 10/20/2018
(Same guest who asked the long thing) Yeah, the lostintranslationmon podcast, during the mail segment for their X-Evolution episode, got a letter from someone recommending your story as an example of taking more advantage of the Frontier Spirit stuff than the series proper (I haven’t seen it and my knowledge comes from the two kids getting all the powers ever and the other four acting as Spirit Bomb fodder essentially, so ymmv).

In regards to this, I feel some clarification might be in order in regards to the tenderness bits, recently, you’ve mostly limited the two kissing to stories where you age them up (those stories are usually nsfw but they still engage in tonsil tennis nonetheless XD), whereas when they’re portrayed as still kids/really young teens, the most you do is have them holding hands, the occasional embrace, so on, basically stuff that’d be expected for kids to do without anything too serious going on (or creepy but you don’t do that thankfully). My original question was, given this recent but silent distinction you’ve made, if given the chance to streamline the story, could you have done this, specifically Rika’s subplot, without having the two of them kiss (I know the dub aged them up, btw) with your new found contrast or was it ingrained in the DNA too hard for it to be reasonably removed?

Also, while on the subject of streamlining your past stories with your new found affinity for intimate stuff (both sfw and nsfw), are there any stories that you would ever like to reinvent so to speak with your growth in skill, such as stuff like Dreamer and the prequel (the Cupid one was a showed its age, both in terms of when it was written and the general scope of older fic tropes back, Ill say that)?

Thanks for answering my previous question btw, I still like this story despite liking your recent stuff more, but I guess that goes to show how much you’ve grown as a writer in general and not just for this season/pairing
Guest chapter 194 . 10/20/2018
Having read more of your recent stuff and going back to your earlier stuff (this one being the longest as it was also given a shoutout on a podcast one time), a couple of things I'm kind of curious about is how, if given another chance to write it in your modern, more intimate style (only really breaking out the tonsil tennis when you age them up, for instance), how you'd take this (and maybe some of your earlier stuff) and sort of update it.

Like when I compare this with Trinity (the most recent thing that's slowly reaching this one's chapter length) and Story for Suzie, one of the thing's I've noticed, mainly with the latter, is that the conflict there between Takato and Rika was a lot more streamlined and less...not really angst filled, but more understandable, their mutual friend wrote his own fic about them without either of them knowing or consenting to it, and it weirds her out, puts her relationship with Takato into question, and leaves her asking questions about her own feelings, both romantic and platonic, working through her dishonesty streak to get a handle on things. Here, while believable, its kind of weird that it takes as long as it does when it comes to Rika and her hang ups with her kissing Takato (thats kind of another thing that'd be interesting to see if you did this in the modern day, given how you've low key saved them kissing for when you age them up, and either limit their physical interaction to the occasional hand hold, hair tossel, or the rarer hug), like I get why she's having troubles with it, and you made it work as best you could, but I feel like it could've been streamlined a bit.

Tldr: in comparing your older stuff to your newer stuff, I like how you've evolved and are interested in seeing, if given the chance, how you'd change or streamline older stories to "update" them so to speak.
Guest chapter 61 . 9/26/2018
Y'know, in light of Renamon-X and Sakuyamon-X being revealed for the most recent Pendulum stuff, I feel like Miko Mode fits Rika more (from a character standpoint and from a design standpoint because Sakuyamon X looks...yeah...a bit too overboard)
Ser chapter 154 . 9/4/2018
I recall you saying that the majority of this story was made up on the spot, but when picking who got the other Spirits, besides the main one, was it a toss up between giving Rika Kouji's or Zoe's or was it more "she's the other main character in this, Kouji was the secondary lead in his season" in terms of that?
A.S chapter 95 . 5/17/2018
So, was the punch and following hug from Rika (and the repeated use of her nickname for Takato) her kind of breaking down in regards to what she's going through with Takato and Jeri?
D.E.Z chapter 134 . 5/17/2018
I always liked the contrast between Takato and Rika's megas, the more timid one gets a tank (not literally), while the more...not really violent by the end of it, but battle oriented gets a healer, and you definitely made the differences clear here with Rika's "bedside manner".
Greeb chapter 194 . 5/13/2018
Have you ever considered posting or advertising your work on tumblr or twitter? I reckon you could get a lot more exposure that way.
Mawn chapter 30 . 5/13/2018
I like what you do with Henry here in this story, in what little amount of stories I've read (Digimon or otherwise), its usually just focused on the ship/pairing and little else, but you gave him some unique stuff to deal with.
Po1se chapter 58 . 5/12/2018
I reckon the MarineAngemon bit with Sakuyamon and Takato was too good/fun to pass up, huh? XD
Grets chapter 42 . 5/11/2018
Y'know, the bit with Rika and Rumiko in this, earlier and a bit by the end talking about (kinda) relationships kinda makes me wonder what a story with the two under your work would be like (without the whole "end of the world" backdrop, probably, but still).
Nameomon chapter 173 . 5/10/2018
I can't believe he's fucking dead...

...nevermind, he got better. Wew.
Ophel.Rigs chapter 61 . 5/4/2018
So, when writing this whole long story (and the other entries as well), was Miko Mode always planned from the start or was that an addition after some drafts?
Weary Traveler chapter 36 . 5/3/2018
I really like how observant and proactive Aiko is with her daughter's changes since the digital world. It would have annoyed me to no end if she had brushed off what she saw and tried to rationalize everything as being okay when it isn't.
Bolo42 chapter 122 . 12/18/2016
Why does this leave the impression that Urocyomon's life at the temple is not dissimilar from that of a reluctant ecchi harem protaganist?
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