Reviews for Into the West
Guest chapter 29 . 5/5/2014
This is a really great story, unlike the other fan fictions I have read. I know you haven't written this story in 6 years, but I would really appreciated it if you do. What I love most about this story is that the romance in here isn't as disgusting as the other stories.
Always chapter 29 . 2/18/2013
No! Don't stop now!
Always chapter 24 . 2/18/2013
And it is now turning into a legomance...
Ah well. Great story!
Purestrongpoem chapter 29 . 7/18/2012
Excellent story.
WriteroftheRevolution chapter 29 . 12/30/2008
This story is truly amazing and original. J.R.R Tolkien would be proud. Please keep updating!
vectis chapter 29 . 7/3/2008
Poor Legolas always putting his duty to the realm before his own feelings, but perhaps as Thranduil is obviously aware of this his outlook may be brighter.

Rumil not realizing he was talking to a dwarf woman was very funny - that really made me laugh out loud!.

Things seem to be hotting up a bit now so hopefully we will see a bit of action in the next chapters.

Just one point about the opening quote - it should read "The harpers harped, and the minstrels sang" (not rang).
Ringbearingreasergal chapter 29 . 6/29/2008
AH! Finally Thranduil GETS IT! Yay! Maybe there's hope for Elenuil and Legolas after all! Ooh, I hope Rumil's okay. But he DID stick his foot in his mouth when he *ahem* adressed the dwarf, poor thing, lol. And Frodo was surprisingly NOT emo in this chapter! Maybe he's recovering. I can't wait for the next chapter!

Telcontar Rulz chapter 28 . 6/20/2008
Hahahahaha! Meeting Gloin! I love it. Poor Legolas. Being a mediator for Thranduil and Gloin is not going to be pleasant. Gimli's got a great sense of humour; at least he's helping, althought making the dwarves and elves cooperate is going to take a huge amount of work.
Ringbearingreasergal chapter 28 . 6/16/2008
Great chapter! I can't wait until the dwarves completly stomp Mirkwood with axes blazing. Should be fun! And Aral's so funny! It's cute though. She deserves a guy. Hmm. Hopefully Hareth and Legolas can find a way to break it up without getting themselves banished or something by Thranduil.

Ringbearingreasergal chapter 27 . 6/4/2008
Yay! You finally updated! And this chapter made me so happy! I love all the couples in here D. Aral and Rumil are such a cute couple! And I wasn't expecting THAT one! I think the only two we have to work on now are Elenuiel staying with Legolas, and Hareth marrying Fuirin. UPDATE SOON!
Telcontar Rulz chapter 27 . 6/3/2008
I quite like Aral. She's so real and ,well, I wouldn't say down to earth, but she's easier to identify with than Elenuiel. I did like that fluffy moment you put in between her and Legolas though. Lovely angst with the semi-love-triangle.

T. Rulz
Telcontar Rulz chapter 26 . 5/16/2008
Yay! Legolas is finally home! Poor Gandalf though, to have the news broken to him like that. And good on Frodo for teaching Orophin common tongue.

*sniggers* Elenuiel's jealous. Hopefully everyone will end up with the right person at the end of the story.
vectis chapter 26 . 5/16/2008
Glad to see that they are all now gathered together at last - even though Thranduil shares my worry that they are now all an easier target. Loved the way Thranduil just shoved Hareth out of the way to get to Legolas - very regal behaviour I must say!

Why is Elenuiel the Chosen One, and what has she been chosen for? - I must say it's very intriguing.

I had actually forgotten that Gandalf did not know of Sarmeth's treachery. Will we get more of his reaction to this revelation in the next chapter?

'..the two kings threw (not through) all protocol' and alright should be written as all right - Sorry I used to proof-read and I can't stop the habit!

Looking forward, as ever, to the next update.
Ringbearingreasergal chapter 26 . 5/15/2008
I'm so glad they finally made it back! Wow, I was beginning to think they never would! Oy vey. Elenuiel vs. Hareth. Hmm. I do hope that Hareth and Fuirin get together. I think they deserve each other. And I wish that Elenuiel and Legolas could be together too.

So what's going to happen to Elenuiel anyway? Her circumstances are beginning to depress me (.

So what's going to happen now that they're all in Mirkwood and Sarmeth is still on the loose? To be continued hopefully?
Ringbearingreasergal chapter 25 . 5/9/2008
Hahaha, the Aral/Rumil banter was funny-and the way she tackled Aragorn was priceless! Oh, and Thranduil should listen to his wife. I think Middle-Earth would be better off.

And I'm so glad that the rest of the fellowship and elves made it out of Mordor! Hopefully they can get home without TOO much trouble ;).

Anyway, sorry for the short review today, I loved it!

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