Reviews for Hanyou Trials
Wyvern77 chapter 23 . 4/4
Hell yes! I’ve been waiting for this story to update for so long. Man I’m glad it’s back!
Ashkan Dehno chapter 21 . 3/25
Damn this is a masterpiece and definitely needs to be read. And incredible job Author-san and keep up the amazing job you've done so far
ThunderClaw03 chapter 24 . 2/23
Why do I feel that the last of Naruto's stupid cousins are in charge of the slavers? I can't wait to see what happens next update when you can.
Guy With 1000 Names chapter 24 . 2/17
Only NOW following this story having once again reading and reviewing this late. Still, please don't apologize for the delay; real life ALWAYS has to come first.

Was expecting the Djinn and family from the singing contest chapter to show up at the market.

I see your favoring Super Mario 3, nice. Been meaning to get into Zelda more, will have to do so now.

In the prequel, Kyuubi noted Naruto having 9-Tail potential, trust he'll master Water, Earth and Ice styles soon.
Dragon and Sword Master chapter 24 . 1/28
I loved the Super Mario Bros. 3 mini games as well as the Legend of Zelda references in this chapter. Well done. Also...I almost pity the slavers. ALMOST.
storyreader21 chapter 24 . 1/24
Nice chapter. Those slavers are going to regret what they did. Is it bad that I hope when Hinata uses the kitsune super leaf naruto won in that game that I hope something happens to make her a true kitsune permanently? Looking forward to the next chapter.
Obs3rv4nt-Onl00k3r chapter 23 . 8/17/2019
Aside from some typos, left out letters, and a missing paragraph in chapter 19, this story has been truly unique and enthralling. An absolute Gem I have had the privilege to read and look forward to reading more of in the future!

Story Weaver1 chapter 23 . 6/9/2019
Wow, Naruto is certainly showing off a wide variety of skills. The Five Element Seal was the last thing I expected him to use.

For having so many injuries, they didn't seem to be slowing him down. Is that an advantage of the Black Hole Stomach technique?

Iris sitting in Hinata's lap for ear scratches is adorable.

The last cousin is pure evil? In light of your review request, I gotta be honest and say that's a disappointment. In my opinion, Chiyo and Hanzo had stronger arcs and fuller personalities for not being fully evil. The more ritual combat was more fun to read then the evil plans.
Autismguy593 chapter 23 . 2/21/2019
Like the story so far hope you continue it.
creativesm75 chapter 23 . 7/11/2018
very good
morphx chapter 1 . 6/9/2018
I'm surprised that even after learning about his skills, everyone STILL UNDERESTIMATES HIM!
morphx chapter 23 . 6/9/2018
Is it bad I can see a bit of tenten in that bird?
morphx chapter 21 . 6/9/2018
Compaired to the others, these last two actually seem like ones who actually CARE about others and are willing to compromise on the challenges that must be done
Guy With 1000 Names chapter 23 . 5/27/2018
Saw the update a week late; due to real life and such, I'm only NOW back up to speed enough to review.

*blinks* The Kame Hame Ha Wave? in THIS fic?! IS YOU SERIOUS?!
...ok having typed that, I Do see the connection: Kappa, ergo Kame Sennin Ryu; why not. Now you got me Googling to see the TMNT doing the move.

Regarding the fight with Kuzuonha's Elementals, you sure you don't mean magnetism where it says 'magic'? As in: 'Consider the core of the planet is molten rock and both are MAGNETICALLY enhanced white hot flames...'. To be fair, High School Chemistry wasn't me best class, but magic didn't add up here.

Note to self: pray for Himawari if/when she enrolls into Auntie Chiyo's school.
ThunderClaw03 chapter 15 . 5/18/2018
By the time Naruto is back home he's going to be Kage level or beyond.
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