Reviews for L: The Last Dream
amz1e chapter 1 . 5/4/2012
wow, very dreamlike; often when you read fics about L's dreams they are very reality based but you caught the flowing, changing nature of dreams perfectly! I actually like the references to 'alice in wonderland' I think it fit really well with the theme. I love your style of writing!

arcanegel chapter 1 . 5/13/2008
I want to say sickening, but it's too beautiful to deserve that word.

you write awesome!
azaneti chapter 1 . 12/6/2007
This story is sad! I admit, I still don't completely get it, but... I think it's wonderfull all the same! )
thebookhobbit chapter 1 . 10/28/2007
Aww. Now I'm sad. D

Lol. That was really a well-written peice- I liked it. Very detailed. If I had to guess blindly, I'd say it was written by a professional author, or the creators of Death Note. Very good.
red-feathers-pink-blossom chapter 1 . 10/27/2007
Wow, I really liked this. It wasn't really what I expected, but it was still very good. Sometimes I got a bit confused, as you didn't refer to people by name, but I got it in the end. You really got the dream like quality. Really, this reminded my of that sequence of images at the start of episode 25 of the anime. Especially that one where you see L's shadow on th grass in front of him...if you have any idea what I'm going on about. Anyway, good stuff!
AkunoYume chapter 1 . 10/25/2007
Nyah, I adore subconscious writing. Really. Something that involves literature, broken trains of thought, and the illusion of first person narration is always something I enjoy. And especially to L. Very, very nice note to break up the conversation with the children and L by the way. Please keep writing, and I'll keep reading.
Dante's Muse chapter 1 . 10/25/2007
I was going to comment on this at precisely 4:20.

but I couldn't weight. I am absolutely in love with this. I honestly felt as if this was a dream conveiniantly put to text. it gives me happy warm feeling, and makes me realize what I'm missing when I stay up entirely too late. (for instance I should have been in bed 9 hours ago.)

I also love the fact that our stories are next to each other, you name being Brain Eater Jr. and my story being about coincidence!

Loves it

Dante's Muse