Reviews for Final Fantasy VII: Revitalization
Le Pecore Nere chapter 2 . 10/28/2007
lol wow, Zacks a beaut... wait, why is Zack here? and who in the name of all that is cheesy is Lord Dragok or something ~is confused~ well I'm sure things will straighted out eventually :) UPDATE SOON... well you know what I mean
reno-xxxXXXxxx chapter 2 . 10/28/2007
yeah you're right, I do like that lol, I like Zack

Great chapter, Update soon!
reno-xxxXXXxxx chapter 1 . 10/28/2007
interesting start, I enjoyed the last one, so I'm sure this one will be just as great. It's pretty short, but it's only an intro so hey nevermind. Update soon
Le Pecore Nere chapter 1 . 10/26/2007
whose the dude? Roe? lol don't answer them, but it IS short, but well it's an intro, it's supposed to catch the reader not explain :) and yours did just that. it's quite good, I'm enjoying it.