Reviews for Actions Speak Louder Than Words
JadaImani2000 chapter 1 . 8/18/2016
Cute story
s y m d r o n e chapter 1 . 5/21/2008
Again, bravo. You're a real good writer. D Twas a very happiful story. 3
Evanescences Angel chapter 1 . 2/28/2008
This is really good! I love it! Please write more fanfics! You rock! I like the part of Hinata attacking so realtic!
Sairaiya chapter 1 . 11/15/2007
hey i really liked this one, very well written (thats rare lately) and it is conceivable. it's not one of those "hey i love you - oh yes i've never really noticed you but i love you too with all my heart". oh and for sure really sweet, hinata.. fighting with all she got for the one she loves.. cute :D

i can't understand why i'm only the second one who reviews this story o.o you see.. normally i'm not the type of people who reviews every story, i only review storys i like and this one i really like. so plz keep up with storys like that. i appreciate your work :) and i'm sure other will too, maybe they r only to shy?
Sumikoa chapter 1 . 11/3/2007
Aww, it was sweet and captured the weird relationship between Naruto and Hinata well - ie that Hinata is obsessed with Naruto to the extent of stalking him, and Naruto is oblivious...

Not really a fan of this couple as you can probably tell but you pulled it off well - particularly liked Itachi transformed as Sakura - was really freaked out for a second when I thought Sakura was coming on to Naruto..not really a fan of that couple either. xD

Wow, just realised - you managed to kinda get all the massive love square into the fic. NaruXHina. SakuXNaru. And HinaXNaru. Stuff a bit of SakuXSasu and if it takes your fancy a bit of SasuXNaru, and you will have a proper lovefest! But um, yeah - uh, this last point isnt really relevant.