Reviews for Two Beds and a Coffee Machine
thatsmeglen chapter 14 . 6/21
This story had a really good premise and could have been a lot better if u added more chapters and explored their feelings... it was too rushed in my opinion...nevertheless still a good quick read!
Noemi Figueroa chapter 12 . 4/17/2018
Poor Ron. Just like a woman jumping to conclusions!
Georgia chapter 2 . 5/29/2017
Good job! Some grammar errors, but overall a very good story. I find Ron cursing to fit his character, somehow. (J. K. Rowling was going to write Ron as a curser, but her editor made her change it.)
MissesE chapter 1 . 11/3/2015
This is so sad :( but i've hope all will go well :) very well written btw, lovely first chapter!
Guest chapter 1 . 9/3/2015
Your a little confused...Ron is the guy who calls Hermione names, abandons her because of Harry's broomstick, yells at her because her cat does what cats do, makes fun of her study habits, belittles her at least twice in every book, and abandons her in a tent, in the middle of winter, during a war!

Viktor is the guy who saw her beauty before she got her teeth fixed and hair straightened, took her to a chaperoned school dance, and loved her enough that she became the most important person in his life. More than his friends, teammates, and even his family.

I hate when people put that jerk Ron on some pedestal and just forget that he is just as much of a purebloid bigot as Draco is. While they bash a 17 year old who loves a 15 year old. (ages based on data from HP wikipedia and Pottermore)
louisewallstedt chapter 1 . 5/18/2015
Amazing reading it again! D
Goose chapter 13 . 10/4/2014
Cute little story. Other than the grammar issues, make sure in the future to space out your scene jumps. It gets confusing when it jumps from one convo to the next, example being the jump from the convo of Vanessa telling Hermione that Ron was in love with her, to the part where Draco comes in and talks to Ron. Still a nice read though.
mionely.evans chapter 14 . 7/3/2014
That is so sweet! :3 why doesn't happen to me? :/
(Why is rated M by the way?)
Guest chapter 14 . 9/20/2012
Aww. Very Sweet. Glad Viktor is in jail. Glada R&H got together
HeRonLove chapter 14 . 6/6/2011
Wow they lived happily ever after. I loved this fic. I wish they had a sequel.

placebo13 chapter 14 . 12/16/2010
That was a great story. Ron/Hermione are the best couple ever!

I found this story a little late, but better late than never :)
Beebbop chapter 14 . 7/28/2010
I really like the story as a whole, it was great. I did feel you rushed the last two chapters a bit but other than that is was a great read. I'm going to check and see if you have any other stories!
Treacherous Darkness chapter 14 . 2/5/2010
aw :) *high pitched fangirl squee*!
Treacherous Darkness chapter 2 . 2/5/2010
FINALLY! A good abuse fic! You seem to be one of the few fanfic authors who can actually spell. Thanks.
NovemberDreamin chapter 5 . 1/1/2010
love it! short review cause i just want to save my place til i can come back!

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