Reviews for These Scars of Mine
yeah chapter 1 . 6/15/2015
I TOTALLY DISAGREE THAT INOUE'S THE ONE THAT MADE ICHIGO SMILE! anyone who isn't "blind," who've read the manga, hell watched the beginnings of the anime could clearly POINT OUT, DISTINGUISH, SORT OUT that ichigo would not be ichigo without rukia and that rukia would not be rukia without ichigo. they'll cease to exist without the other-ichigo might probably get eaten by that hollow who've attacked his sisters hadn't been for rukia; and rukia might've died per se if ichigo didn't agree to be a substitute that fateful night. ichigo used to be a cheerful boy with a smile to rival that of the sun but faded when his mom masaki died in the hands of the grand fisher. rukia stopped ichigo's "rain"
when he fought and defeated that hollow because of being a substitute shinigami; and because of that his "heart" finally is able to "smile."
it's really unfair how some antagonizes a strong woman such as rukia-even claiming that inoue
has had enough "tragedy" and that she deserves(?) a happy ending with the strawberry.
that her parents are abusive {well, rukia died young and has never met her parents}; her brother Sora died after years of living together in their modest apartment {rukia have no recollection of her sister hisana as she was abandoned as a baby}; that albeit being alone, distant relative is the one helping inoue out {whereas rukia's been living in a mansion, yes, but
until after the soul society rescue arc, made her feel like a lonely bird trapped in a cage with no support at all}; arisawa tatsuki has always been there for inoue from the beginning {when renji, though for unselfish reasons, pushed away rukia to become a member of a noble house that treated her no more like dirt}. yeah, inoue's life is far more tragic(?) they also argue that inoue is feminine and kind and selfless like masaki was(?) yeah she is a perfect example of femininity with her cutesy blushes, and floral skirts and bubbly disposition {rukia is admittedly a little rough around the edges kind of chick that "beats" and "kicks" ichigo in shape while at the same time adores girly dresses, cute fluffy chappy and occasional let's her guard down to cradle the strawberry and share his burden}; yeah inoue is kind because she is concern with her close friend
{while rukia stole, got beaten up and bled not just for her nakamas but for both worlds as well}; yeah inoue is selfless like masaki(?) because after almost "lip raping" the strawberry, she went with ulquiorra to hueco mundo to avoid a possible bloodshed; inoue is selfless because {though in anime only} when given a chance to say goodbye
to a friend, he FORGETS good ol' tatsuki and instead went for the scowling berry; yeah, inoue is indeed selfless for she FORGETS her promise to PrOTECT her nakama and ichi in hueco mundo and instead cried and became AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN DEPENDENT on kurosaki-kun. comparing inoue to masaki is bull; because masaki LIKE rukia SAVED isshin the SHINIGAMI and ichigo the HUMAN BOY respectively, to the point of succumbing to dire
situations {masaki, the HUMAN girl quincy, became infected with a hollow & rukia, the SHINIGAMI to loosing her powers, to transferring it to ichi, to being tried, to having been nearly destroyed by the soukyoku}.
the point is, the cards have been laid out. and that there is a big difference with those who are a FANATIC of a ship to those who are FANTARDS of a pairing who won't accept REASONING at all :)
now, who would truly erase ichigo's perpetual scowl?
CowsCowsCows chapter 10 . 6/5/2015
Screw Ichihime! I hate Orihime! But good story! :)
Fenris Jin chapter 9 . 10/21/2013
Maybe Byakuya can stand in? Ehem.. I mean, his hair is all black.. Hey, don't look at me like that! This fic was crack in itself anyway.. XD
Fenris Jin chapter 8 . 10/21/2013
Nice take on Toshiro and Rukia. It's sad how Byakuya died and Rukia's fear that he might not have made it home.
Fenris Jin chapter 7 . 10/21/2013
Gosh, Ichigo is a die hard romantic.. Not that it's a surprise considering he likes Shakespeare.
Fenris Jin chapter 6 . 10/21/2013
So sweet. Byakuya's method was quite cunning though! XD
Fenris Jin chapter 2 . 10/21/2013
I take it, this would be the scar Rukia is referring to. I love that scene. Err.. well, kind of? XD
Fenris Jin chapter 1 . 10/21/2013
So touching. I love it. She's perfect.. Although, strangely, vain in twisted kind of way?
zero09q chapter 10 . 3/18/2012
I hate this Ichimime, and Rukia is sooooooooooo much better than Orihime in the anime and manga, its Orihime with the weak character build up not Rukia, and Rukia would not care
Bibliolympian chapter 10 . 12/9/2010
Masayume91 chapter 10 . 7/7/2010
Sad...but I know what you mean about the anime slaughtering the otps. I 'did' notice some suspicious Ichihime hints in the recent ed...

But, the chapter was good. ;.; poor Ruki...makes me wanna go feed Orihime to the Menos...
Beautifuldeath92 chapter 7 . 4/16/2010
I've fallen in love with your writing. You're writing skill is just amazing. Like breath-taking amazing. Please keep up the good work :) This one was so cute
Voidy chapter 6 . 4/7/2010
Oh! This is so sweet! I can't resist not to review~ usually I will review at the last chapter, because I marathon-reading these drabbles... Ahahahhahah

Renji, You're rock! You always know how to get perfect with Rukia! This is so awesome! Yeah, we all know Rukia's skill with drawing, yet... Renji always make it like a masterpiece.

Yeah! Love you Meli!
Atramentous Love chapter 10 . 3/7/2010
I hope you aren't following the anime, because the anime isn't canon. At all. Kubo has no part in it. IchiRuki was pretty much confirmed in Fade to Black, Kubo's interview movie. Chin up. Your otp is pretty damn canon.
Damn chapter 10 . 2/22/2010
Hey, I don't know what your OTP is but this fic is under Rukia and Ichigo tag so it appeared when I filtered IchiRuki fics.

The first thing that came out of my mind when I read it was... well... you have to change the tags. I've also seen that you posted this chapter again but in IchiHime tag or you probably posted it in IchiRuki but changed it later on because of the reviews (one such as this). The chapter maybe POV of Rukia and it may be one-sided IchiRuki but the content is, without a doubt - IchiHime. You don't post something like this in the IchiRuki section unless you seriously want to piss people off.

The chapter is well-written but you're catering the wrong people here. As well as your other chapters that have nothing to do with IchiRuki. (Chap 8: contrast, even Ichigo's name doesn't appear once, and other double-posted chapters.) If this is Rukia-centric then make it Rukia only, without Ichigo. When people filters Ichigo and Rukia in front of FF, they are trying to find fics that are centered around IchiRuki, not centered around IchiHime, RenRuki, ETC disguised in Rukia-POV/IchiRuki.

Again, I don't know what your OTP is. It's very unclear since you seem to ship a lot of pairings together. But as far as I can see, Kubo hasn't murdered any pairing couple yet. Except when he killed Ulqui but I don't think you ship UlquiOri though (otherwise you would've made an IchiOriUlqui instead of RukiIchiHime to share your pain). And Kubo has definitely not killed IchiRuki.

And about the 'pain' in your A/N. No I don't want to share your misplaced pain. I do feel pain for SasuSaku because it's my OTP too but no and never for IchiRuki. I have high hopes and expectations for it. If it is your OTP too, then... don't lose hope. But if it isn't then... well... whatever. It's still in IchiRuki section so please change it.
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