Reviews for From the Ashes
Shadowhawke chapter 7 . 6/20/2009
Whoah... another powerful song, again different from the ones earlier. I love the hope and power of this one, and the insights Zuko gains. And I love, love the line 'And hope will burn in flame-scarred eyes'. Absolutely beautiful. :D
Shadowhawke chapter 6 . 6/20/2009
Whoah, given I'm a massive fan of Zutara, that was absolutely amazing! I love how you encapsulated both of their feelings like that. This song also had a different feel from your others, deep in a different way. The beat came through very strongly in this one. Amazing work. :D
Shadowhawke chapter 5 . 6/20/2009
Hmm... this really made me look again at Zuko's relationship with Ozai. The almost unwavering loyalty shown here was pitch perfect, well done!

Just a tiny, nitpicking note, though, I think 'exhile' is actually spelled 'exile'.

Aside from that, awesome work. Really encapsulated Zuko's angst in this area.
Shadowhawke chapter 4 . 6/20/2009
You were right, that is an amazing metaphor for Zuko's childhood. Well done.
Shadowhawke chapter 3 . 6/20/2009
Whoah, that was amazing. I especially loved the line 'Could fire have a heart of ice?'. Incredible. Your songs/poems seem to get more stirring and evocative with every step.
Shadowhawke chapter 2 . 6/20/2009
Impressive, searing imagery. Loved it.
Shadowhawke chapter 1 . 8/6/2008
You have a strong and stirring way with your words. Thanks for the great read. :)
GrangerBlack chapter 6 . 3/11/2008
i just gotta review this one again- (at least i think i have already) but i love the line: "Perhaps we could dance like the sun on the sea?" i just love that! AWESOME! lol you're getting kinda random love from me today XD Um, if i could get your permission to quote that...? pweaz? i don't know why it's so appealing to me, i guess it's just so visual and it sounds Zutaray, y'know? well duh you wrote it but yeah, anyway rock on dude!
GrangerBlack chapter 10 . 3/11/2008

i loved the line: "a phoenix will rise from your pyre..." dunno why, just lovely i guess!


"Somewhere in that meadow, untarnished by Time,

Through sunshine a prince and his father still roam-

Someday at World's end, through Dawnrise we'll climb,

And I, once the exile, will lead you home..."

BEAUTIFUL, MY FRIEND! XD so yeah keep up the awesome work!
JESUSFREAK-And-Proud-Of-It chapter 1 . 3/8/2008
Wonderful...I kinda mentally made up my own melody to this was really awesome, the words and emotions in it were exhilarating...I'm a fellow fan of Zuko, he's got his faults, but then again, everyone does, so you gotta love him! Am I right?

Go Zuko!
GrangerBlack chapter 9 . 3/8/2008
beautiful, as always!
GrangerBlack chapter 8 . 2/19/2008
oh ma gawsh! amazing! as usual! in my head i was seeing this scene in like a Shakesperean setting with Zuko saying these words. lol XD- awesome job! wow!

zuko rulz!

MacFie chapter 7 . 2/14/2008
This is an absolutely beautiful song. I'm going to fav it so I don't lose it. You have such a wonderfully evocative style and you get across Zuko's experience with amazing eloquence. Thanks for sharing it.
GrangerBlack chapter 1 . 1/11/2008
holy crap this is amazing! gotta read the others! awesome job!
skywalker05 chapter 1 . 11/29/2007
Good. "I can't keep burning forever..." is very interesting in light of the third season. You have some lines I like especially: "perish deceived!", "I won't rest till I've repaid you/The fealty a son ought to give" (though the colon at the end of that is a bit odd).