Reviews for Almost a Squib
guest chapter 7 . 7/16
Your writing is amazing! I hope you will write more :)
Midots chapter 7 . 7/14
A story unlike any other. Tonnes of laughter too.
ENAddict chapter 7 . 7/2
Brilliant. An extremely refreshing story!
Emma chapter 7 . 7/1
Guest chapter 7 . 6/29
This was WAY more fun to read than I expected, bravo!
DarkLadySwan chapter 7 . 6/27
I died laughing when I read Harry's son's name. So true!
This story was incredibly clever, and reflected many of the issues and plot holes I found in the story. That Harry saved the Wizarding World with joke products... very clever indeed.
Added it to my favorites, and thanks again for such an awesome and hilarious story!
Guest chapter 7 . 6/26
Oh, pretty sure Snape knew that motto. After all, it is good Harry approved revenge here, it means he was on tune with Snape in a way. Dramatic irony, in the end the original Harry could've done him worse with his public exponition of a past he asked to Dumbledore to not absolutely tell to no one.

Pretty creative and funny ff here, the original elves IS heavily under used... even if thug Harry was a bit Gary Stue-Ing and ridiculous after a while... too many dungbombes, kicks in the nut and smug lines (vs Bellatrix... criiinge). He sounded like "I'm not the fic character just now but the author who is talking".
Glowstar826 chapter 7 . 6/26
Good read, but I don't really like Harry's attitude all that much. This Harry came across as more cocky and cheeky.

It was really funny, though, but it kinda hurts me a bit that Harry treated Snape so coldly as he was literally dying. Maybe it's my empathetic heart or the fact that Snape is my fav character. But other than that, good story!
minicreature chapter 7 . 6/9
This is awesome.
hermione-is-my-hero55 chapter 5 . 5/9
Love it!
marvinkitfox1 chapter 6 . 4/21
This story had promise, but the author insists on FORCING it to conform to canon, using the biggest crowbar I've seen in writing in a loong time.

Sorry, but nope.
yo gabba gabba chapter 7 . 4/10
HoneyBear84 chapter 7 . 3/6
Loved it
James Birdsong chapter 7 . 2/13
Good story
Ambaire chapter 2 . 12/26/2019
Ah, dungbombs. I love your trickster Harry.
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