Reviews for When In Doubt
Katein chapter 52 . 6/13/2019
oh my gosh I loved this story so much! It was so exciting to read and your way of telling it flowed very nicely! I loved the way you developed each character and I loved this story fully! I look forward to reading more of your stories. My only complaint about this story would be Nightshades out-of-the-blue little detail about her past...deadly skills. I feel like that was out of place and that it just seemed to have been added to help her in her situation with Emirate, but other then that wonderful read!
Yoruko Rhapsodos chapter 51 . 8/1/2018
There we go, nice, wonderful fluff- just what I signed up for. I have a feeling Ironhide will be a much better father than he think. Plus Optimus' nervousness and hesitation while mildly surprising was adorable, he'll be a wreck when/if he and Elita finally have a sparkling.
Yoruko Rhapsodos chapter 50 . 8/1/2018
... punished for self defense? Emirate gets to live and barely gets punished for kidnapping, attempted murder, and everything else he pulled? ... :(
Yoruko Rhapsodos chapter 49 . 8/1/2018
you had me worried, darn it! I can only take so much angst and bad drama. But I adored Ratchet's bonding moment with their son.
Yoruko Rhapsodos chapter 37 . 7/31/2018
oh, for... please don't make me regret reading this.
Yoruko Rhapsodos chapter 36 . 7/31/2018
... or better yet: Emirate dies the death he deserves like Starscream did. Also I wanna see the others fawn over the coming sparklings.
Yoruko Rhapsodos chapter 23 . 7/31/2018
... this was a super close call. you almost ruined the fic with tragedy and angst. I'm glad Ratchet & Nightshade made up.
Aileen chapter 50 . 7/20/2016
Gawd... very awesome story. I am normally biased against OCs in general, but Nightshade just felt... natural. I couldn't stop reading and I like her, because she is no Mary-Sue and she's... really likeable, with all her flaws, too.

...I really wish I could've seen Maia confronting Emirate after realizing what has been done to her. That would have been an awesome scene.
The Third Biker Scholar chapter 10 . 6/4/2016
i can't wait to read the rest!
Guest chapter 38 . 1/26/2013
throws lubrication fluid
Bochord of Leaspell chapter 17 . 4/13/2012
The traitor is RED ALERT, for the word medical gave it away.
DorkyRogers chapter 18 . 4/12/2012
DorkyRogers chapter 12 . 4/12/2012
mamabot chapter 52 . 3/10/2012
oh yes! I love my mother in law too. Gosh this sounded very much like a conversation I had with my dear mommy in law about trying to understand her-son/ my-husband and how marriages work. Very well done jeepers, can you submit this to some premarital cousiling group! It would be perfect!
mamabot chapter 49 . 3/10/2012
oh you ... now I've got boogers in my chow mein. Crap, you need more warnigns about hankies before reading this.

Ilove the Prime/Ratchet scanner & saw moment. Niceeeee.
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