Reviews for Iris Lies
Cutecherryblossom159 chapter 1 . 11/12/2012
Hi :) I decided to come back and reread this from the very beginning since I had stopped reading fanfictions for a long time and then I saw it only had 1 chapter XD I hope you continue writing this, it was really good before and even now the first chapter still catches my attention a lot!

PS: It's been years since I last reviewed, but hope you remember me :P
sakurana-star chapter 35 . 6/10/2011
Hi! I really love this story! I hope your father gets well!Oh, I think your dad MIGHT have the same as my dad... Okay, maybe not. But is it PH (Pulmonary Hypertension) ?
AngelNguyen1 chapter 35 . 6/9/2011
I hope ur father will be ok. And hey don't b so harsh on urself, ur writing is very good :] I was hooked from beginning to end haha I stayed up just to finish all 35 chapters :] looking forward to ur next update.
StarAngel02 chapter 34 . 6/8/2011
Amazing style of writing... really good and interesting plot too.. I'm a fan! :)

Please do continue writing.. I really want to know how it all ends... :)
Blue Aidelle chapter 34 . 5/13/2011
I like this Syaoran better! I mean, it's better that he can express his feelings more freely and openly. It would be easier if he confesses and become happy again. I would be happy for them too!

Goooooooooooooooood chapter! I Love your work!

BUT PLEASE! Make him stay with Sakura! Make him realize already that he will not kill her! PLEASE! I mean, what if he goes away? Then Sakura will hate her. And time will pass and they have to repeat the whole courtship and falling inlove process? That would be tooo hurtful! Not to mention it might drag the story too tersely. PLEASE! Give them a happy ending.

Blue Aidelle chapter 26 . 5/13/2011
I like this Syaoran better! I mean, it's better that he can express his feelings more freely and openly. It would be easier if he confesses and become happy again. I would be happy for them too!

Goooooooooooooooood chapter! I Love your work!
Blue Aidelle chapter 18 . 5/13/2011
Oh my gosh! So good! What's gonna happen next?

Please let it be something good!
Blue Aidelle chapter 15 . 5/13/2011
Long chapters pls! Long chapters are more sensible and enjoyable to read, like real books.

I love your story!

Syaoran and Sakura are really meant for each other!

I hope more scenes will follow with Syaoran becoming warmer and loosening up.

I love it!

Good job!
Blue Aidelle chapter 13 . 5/13/2011
YOU are TOO good! Nice work! :))
Blue Aidelle chapter 9 . 5/13/2011
This is so good!

Good job!

I love the subtle hint that Syaoran and Sakura are soulmates. Although it would be more romantic if they have intimates moment too when they are conscious and awake.

More romantic scenes please!

Blue Aidelle chapter 6 . 5/13/2011
This is just so good! Good job!
Blue Aidelle chapter 4 . 5/13/2011
Love it! You have a very good plot and style!

More descriptions and details pls!

And more romantic scenes to come.

xSapphirexRosesxFanx chapter 35 . 5/10/2011
ok! c ya soon!

please UPDATE really soon!

Anonymous chapter 34 . 1/14/2011
DarthNacho chapter 34 . 2/14/2010
I just read all 34 chapters... You ask how I like the story so far? Well... you punked out. You gave "the people" what they wanted and your story suffers for it. You started out with Eriol as a tragic villain. It looked as if he were targeting Sakura just to save the woman that he loved. Then for some ridiculous reason you changed the story so that Tomoyo would have someone to be paired up with. It has really detracted from the story. You could have had a showdown of epic proportions (really what the story was demanding) between Eriol and Syaoran. You gave everything Eriol needed to be an awesome villain: motive, that evil aura, even a dark scheme. You could have had Eriol decide to accelerate his plans when Syaoran kills the Dragon. You could have had Sakura spirited away and some evil ritual set into motion, on which Syaoran has to fight through challenges. Then of course he beats Eriol in a badass fashion perhaps cutting Eriol off from his magic (then you could have appeased your Eriol/Tomoyo fans by having Tomoyo decide to nurse him back to health). With Eriol's magic gone Sakura's father would have been fine (earlier you have Yue remark that it was an evil influence that was Pwning the King). Afterwards you can have Meiling stab Sakura (that's what I feel like is coming). Also on a side note I'm also a bit confused as to what type of world we are experiencing in this story. Is it modern day? Is it an alternate world that does not have tech except for cars and cameras? I mean it must be if they get to England in nine days. Anyways... you have the power to save this oversight... Other than that I love everything else, keep it up.
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