Reviews for The Trouble with Children's Aid
Guest chapter 8 . 1/4
I keep expecting god to knock the snot out of those two like she would in the show.
grungekitty chapter 3 . 7/3/2019
I might have to stop reading. This is giving me some bad flashbacks.
It's dramatized sure, but this is what happens. They send a 3 year old with GENITAL HERPES home, but a family that had one teacher make an easily disproved claim about the kids not getting enough to eat, they need to be hounded for months!
Ironic thing was that there were some legit abuse going on. They didn't even consider it though. Nope, no way the dad could be mentally and emotionally abusive! They were far too preoccupied with using my mother and brother's mental illnesses. Calling my mom crazy, sending my brother to a mental asylum for a week (he was way more screwed up coming out then he was going in)
Did you know minors don't have a right to an attorney? At least that's what they told me!
So many bad memories.
Guest chapter 3 . 10/21/2017
Susie is such a dumb bitch
Guest chapter 5 . 6/7/2016
No contest just terrible
angelfromheaven26 chapter 7 . 2/27/2014
This is sick! Those Duckbillards have no right to treat poor Gosalyn like a dog! Argh! I hope they get what is coming to them!
zara2148 chapter 1 . 12/2/2009
Wow, great beginning. And I'm sorry to hear about your past experience with Children's Aid.
acosta perez jose ramiro chapter 8 . 11/22/2007
Very good ending. Of course Jake and Lori will go to jail; if not, maybe Drake will pay them a visit as Darkwing, or better, ask Gizmoduck, whose ID is still a secret, to blast the couple.

Keep the good writing.
Peach Wookiee chapter 8 . 11/22/2007
Great ending... Though the foster people should've been arrested and sent to jail...
acosta perez jose ramiro chapter 7 . 11/21/2007
Yikes! Susie better start looking for a new job; she made the worst mistake of her career and gave Gosalyn and family the worst experience ever.

Keep the good writing.
Peach Wookiee chapter 7 . 11/21/2007
I don't know what punishment would be perfect for those two sickos, but they need something to happen to them...
acosta perez jose ramiro chapter 6 . 11/20/2007
Very good chapter. As usual, cool job with your OC.

If everything fails, LP can call his old boss, Scrooge McDuck; he may arrange something, I mean, in the worst case, he can adopt Gos and let her stay with Drake.

Keep the good writing.
Peach Wookiee chapter 6 . 11/20/2007
I'd say St. Canard CPS has major problems ahead... as rightly it should have! And that foster parent... well, I can't say what I'd like done to him...
Peach Wookiee chapter 5 . 11/20/2007
That social worker... *angry face*

While she might have certain grounds, she's still wrong.
acosta perez jose ramiro chapter 4 . 11/19/2007
Thanks for telling! Rats, why I'm always right with bad things happening to characters? Wish I was this good guessing lotto numbers.

Keep the good writing.
Peach Wookiee chapter 4 . 11/19/2007
RUN, GOS, RUN! They're going to be on the run for a while...
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