Reviews for Blood Brothers
Zena McClain chapter 8 . 6/7/2016
Is it to much to ask for that u have Kagome and Kouga become mates, as will as Kagome becomes a Full Blooded Ookami Demon (Ookami Wolf Demon.)
Zena McClain chapter 7 . 6/7/2016
Why don't you put a LINE in between the Start & End of the Story? To keep your quite's from getting mixed up with the STORY!
Zena McClain chapter 3 . 6/6/2016
Why not have all three be together? That's Inuyasha, Sesshomaru & Kouga.
riseofthewolf chapter 5 . 9/18/2014
Wow. Sesshoumaru is so out of character. But it's great so far!
HELLO chapter 7 . 3/23/2014
So i just wanted to say i am enjoying reading your story very much, however i am not going to lie, how Out of Character Inuyasha and Sesshomaru (Mainly Sesshomaru) Are kind of ruin the story. It is still good and i am defiantly going to finish, i just think that you should of made them more in character.
Nychell21 chapter 9 . 11/13/2013
Heart:Heart moment Inusessh!-
Nychell21 chapter 6 . 11/13/2013
Ur a very good writer& i LOVE this story! .
Nychell21 chapter 2 . 11/13/2013
WoW! Sango like control, like l do too!
Nychell21 chapter 1 . 11/13/2013
loving it
HelleBelle chapter 31 . 8/5/2013
What?! Bek we gotta meet the family...please!
anatoliy.kasatkin.9 chapter 6 . 1/17/2013
Thanks for your story!
I still can not write a sensible comment on this fanfic, because I usually find this site interesting to me from the description, the 1st and the last chapter of fanfiction, and then save to your computer for machine translation into my native language.
Unfortunately, the good stories (for my taste) on Sesh/Inu not so much (especially the canon, it is occurring in the feudal era, but not in the modern world.) And yet (for reading the first and last chapters) Your fanfic meets my requirements.
One small note: PLEASE separates author's comments on the text! I do not mind to read your comments or clarifications to fanfiction, but when stored on the computer, I usually delete them (especially the ones where you just said about the release date of the next chapter, and requests for commenting.)
It is enough to put a comment at the beginning of "A / N: ..." or do "separator" in the front of your commentary ("_", "************", etc.).
I apologize for the arrogance ... But it is easier when the comment author visible immediately.
I apologize for any errors - this text was translated to English via Google-translator.
ToxicDiva chapter 1 . 10/31/2012
I liked you story I really did but I couldn't finish it. With the grammar and spelling mistakes and misplaced words like if you mean him why would you put her. Nice plot ideA, fix the grammar and spelling and periods etc.. Then this can be better, but sadly I couldn't finish the story because of those mistakes it turned me off and made me bored.
tet0889 chapter 3 . 5/30/2012
uUgh! Sorry, but I think I've got to stop here... Not only I can't properly breathe while reading this fic (Plz, 'comma' and 'period' for Christ sake!) the progress of the story is bad. (I could or maybe should say 'no offense meant' but this time around I'm really itching to offend you, sorry) Please try to read your work before posting them okay? If it sound like crap in your ears, either 'uncrap' it (whatever that means) or stop trying... Geez! Rude I may be, but it's an honest truth from those who truly 'appreciate' good works...
tet0889 chapter 1 . 5/30/2012
I'll tell you what's wrong with this chapter- 'comma' and 'period' exist in this world, you know? The first part is good, but I think the POV is a disaster. Not only I'm bothered with the repetitive phrase "I mean..." but the oocness of Inuyasaha is too much! It's like a whining woman POV instead of someone extremely dangerous, masculine but immature, irritated demon. I hope once I read the other chapters, I would see the improvements. 4 out of 10 for me... sorry...
DragonsDreamer chapter 31 . 2/5/2012
I enjoyed this story greatly. It was an exicting and interesting journey. The character plots and everything was did a great job. I like how you ended the story because it connected the past with the present. It was a fun read and I enjoyed it.
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