Reviews for Anything Else Would Be Too Bitter
Thebluetrainstation chapter 2 . 9/15/2017
This was wonderfully written! I am impressed by your portrayal of Sirius and Remus. It was so in character that I ache. The desperate uncertainess was overwhelming. Fantastic job!
Guest chapter 2 . 4/12/2017
I feel personally attacked, but this is so raw. It's excellent.
Guest chapter 2 . 3/9/2015
This is beautiful and heart breaking
erf10722 chapter 2 . 2/21/2015 WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
atenea-in-the-sky chapter 2 . 1/19/2013
Wow, this was really depressing. Well written, though. Very well written. Really good characterization of Sirius.
GoBalBucs chapter 2 . 6/3/2012
... I need to start paying attention to the genre tags again...

Well despite that, this must be one of the few angst fics that I actually semi enjoyed reading, and I say that because for me, it's like I'm masochistic in the sense that I like to torture myself and my heart with this kinds of fics.

And this one was just fucking depressing.

Also despite that, I semi enjoyed it because I felt angsty and sad pretty much the whole time. It was a very good read however and it was very well written.

I did love the emotion in it and I hate to think that this is probably along the lines of the most likely scenario in the books even if Remus and Sirius had a relationship. When you look at it like this, in terms of what happened, many of the fics about Sirius being any happier just seem too idealistic.

Which is also just fucking depressing.

Anyway, this was a very good (if very sad) fic and I only noticed a few grammar errors so great job. D

PS: I was listening to Our Farewell by Within Temptation while reading this so it only made it THAT much more depressing. XD
dustandmonsters chapter 1 . 10/17/2011
fuck, I hate when I start reading something that sounds amazing & don't have time to finish. definitely favouriting this for later!
Death-Muncher chapter 2 . 4/9/2011
This is a really well written heart breakingly tragic story.
El Leon Y La Oveja chapter 2 . 12/29/2010
Although this fic is so sad, I really prefer it this way. I can't stand reading stories where Sirius gets out of Azkaban and just picks his life up where he left off- there has to be some effect.

And my eyes really did start watering at the end of this fic when I realised that they never managed to make it up :(

thanks for posting anyway, I did enjoy reading it :) xx
Honeyduke's Finest chapter 2 . 6/26/2010
Well-written. Heartbreaking. Amazing. I can definitely see this happening in the actual books. You've practically convinced me remusXsirius is a canon pairing :D
Mekare184 chapter 2 . 2/11/2009
GAH! You BROKE me with this, honestly! After the first chapter it could have gone either way (at least that's how I felt). It's harsh and probably realistic, given how broken Sirius really is/was and it totally makes sense that they are both too scared and then run out of time but ... *sniffle* I want a happy ending!

Never mind me, I'll just go off read some fluff now.

I think you did a really good job here with conveying the atmosphere of the house and the feelings of the characters. Apart from the depressing end I loved it!
eryl chapter 2 . 1/7/2009

It's heartless, horrible, EVIL EVIL EVIL authors like you that make me feel for Sirius and Lupin. Honestly, when I read OotP, I was just like, "Oops, Sirius's dead, bugger, poor Harry." Now I want to kill J.K. for knocking off THE best pairing (except maybe for Snape/Lupin, I still have a soft spot for that) in the HP ff world.

-sobs- I need a hanky.
dlestrange chapter 2 . 6/25/2008
First ever Remus/Sirius story I've read and I liked it!

So, yeah, mucho kudos :D
yitaply chapter 2 . 6/16/2008
Wow! That was absolutely amazing. I'm speechless. I haven't seen such a great SB/RL fic in a long time. How sad; jeez, I'm such an angst addict. :)
charlotte chapter 1 . 5/18/2008
that was the saddest fucking story about sirius and remus i have ever read...i bawled the whole time and listened to the blower's daughter by damien rice. the story was just..amazing. heart-wrenching, tragic and just oh god it was so sad i could cry just thinking about it..good job though. :(
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