Reviews for Learning to be a Malfoy
AngelDragon1976 chapter 5 . 7/10/2018
Roflmao. I love how you put Severus with Tonks, and Lucius with Hermione. Love it. So cute.
ntalcenent chapter 5 . 6/13/2014
Your stories amaze me - I'll have to go back and review since you still read them - glad RL has pulled tho - it is better but for those of us who use a fix of fiction to survive for the moment - thanks for leaving your stories up. ")
madmad01 chapter 5 . 7/30/2013
This is going great, why'd you stop? You said a week. It's 2013. Please update soon!
Wolvess chapter 5 . 3/26/2013
plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz update i really love this story :)
TheGallifreyanAtheist chapter 5 . 8/19/2012
Stupid cliffhangers. I woul love it if you wrote some more to this story
soph9876 chapter 5 . 3/5/2012
I love this story its sweet and well rounded. I don't know why you stopped but PLEASE continue because I really want to see the ending. I really like how you write so pretty please keep doing so :)
Beautiful-Liar13 chapter 5 . 11/27/2011
hope there is more of this soon I love it
GallagherGirl537 chapter 5 . 1/9/2011
Lady Clare Boleyn chapter 5 . 10/26/2010
please keep going

i luv the story very much :)

DarkMoon2222 chapter 5 . 1/31/2010
i loved it please add more soon
Valar Morghulis chapter 5 . 1/16/2010
Why hiatus? WHY? *sob* very sadnesses much. distraught i'm too for words. incoherence related-grief. :(
littlekat1010 chapter 5 . 1/1/2010
It's been FOREVER since you've updated...please? You are leaving me in agony here!
LolitaPop chapter 1 . 12/31/2009
Too many capitals! It's a good story, but you capitalized things that aren't supposed to be capitalized. Remember: The first word in a sentence and proper names for people and places.
WoahWut chapter 2 . 9/28/2009
“He’s a git, an asshole, and a bastard who deserves to die.”

Ron bashing- I luv u
Rokimbo chapter 5 . 3/9/2009
A wonderful story that's really pulling me in. Just how long is the Hiatus on this fic going to be? I do hope you plan on continuing VERY SOON!
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