Reviews for The Road Not Taken
Norv chapter 46 . 7/22
quel mauvais exemple ce dumbledore donne de l'enseignement en favorisant sa maison et en abaissant les autres, sinon le reste de la fiction est captivante, merci
raymond21 chapter 9 . 7/12
Owh,so cute. Even thought her father death is sad,in the end,it proses severus still have goodnes for a people who loves and care for him
Guest chapter 20 . 6/25
I don't think anyone in the Harry Potter story pisses me off as much as snape's mom and you're doing a great job making me hate her more xD
I never get this not defending yourself from abusive muggles you see in most stories... I find it hard the ministry would actually care if someone put a muggle in their place without breaking the statute of secrecy.
LokiTheSkywalker chapter 17 . 6/19
So I like James. But Lilly and Sev are perfect. So I have a proposal. James and May. Yes I'm a genius, I know. Just picture her telling him off for bullying Sev, and then marching away. James just stares in awe and says to Sirius, "I think I have a type." I'm not even half done with this fic but this is my head cannon!
Segamon chapter 1 . 5/24
Great start, and also good observation on the whole Severus/Lily fallout.
She DID smile at his expense, and I still wonder if he ever saw that smile in the books and therefore lashed out at her.
I always thought there was so much wrong with this conversation, like Lily assuming he was already a Deatheater and condemning him because of ONE word.
It shows to me that Lily wasn't really interested in salvaging their friendship.
Guest chapter 31 . 5/6
Nevermind, this is trash through and through.
Guest chapter 30 . 5/6
I'm utterly disgusted at how the story is progressing. Absolutely sickening.
But since I'm feeling generous, I'll just skim through the story.

Bloody disgusting.
Guest chapter 14 . 5/6
This is an 'okay' read for me. My concern is the way the dialogues are written breaks the immersion of reading. They feel... forced, in more ways than one.
babysalvatoreh chapter 52 . 4/28
i love this story !
can't wait to read more
i really hope you keep writing it
Guest chapter 52 . 4/5
Guest chapter 1 . 3/31
Guest chapter 6 . 3/31
Guest chapter 49 . 3/31
Guest chapter 48 . 3/31
Guest chapter 47 . 3/31
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