Reviews for Neverending Heroes
Ledde chapter 2 . 7/28/2017
It's so good to read this fanfic. I feel inside the story next to them. Too bad you do not write about them anymore.
IchikoKitsuneKoumori chapter 13 . 11/5/2016
Guest chapter 13 . 4/3/2015
This was fairly different from all the other ones I've read, very original and well written. I really enjoyed it and you did a great job with the characters and plot.
Rych chapter 1 . 8/25/2013
I don't know if you are still on here, but this story is fantastic. Its my third time reading in the past couple of years. I don't know why you have so few reviews, because this is an excellent story. If you are still writing keep at it!
Volcodom chapter 1 . 5/30/2009
I must say in all honesty I have nothing but praise for this story. As a matter of fact this is the story (along with Animal I have become, and Diamonds and Guns) are what got me into writing a Vincent and Yuffie fan fiction. Thank you T. Costa for writing what I consider a masterpiece.
SilverGhostKitsune chapter 13 . 4/15/2009
wow! this was fantastic! Thank goodness for some creativity! (faves story)
Clan Dragoodle chapter 1 . 3/8/2009
Fresh. That's really the first word that comes to mind.

The openness about it was really has me curious though; because at this point you have no end. No longer does the reader have this subconscious limitation of death at the back of their mind.

No, now we have these three characters that can go on forever with really only the Planet's failure in resources as the antagonist, thus I am left at a cliff hanger of sorts to go on.

Creative loophole for the idea and political structure for such a futuristic piece. Love it.

And reading on...

Aerith Gast
silvericedrop chapter 2 . 10/6/2008
Oh my god, this story is so sad! I was (am?) crying the whole time... but it's a great story :)
Kaj-Nrig chapter 13 . 9/23/2008
I like the fact that this story ended the way it did. Some would say that this last chapter went by too quickly, that you jumped forward too fast and glossed over too much. I'd normally be of that opinion, too, but the way in which you do does make it feel like an epilogue, and a suitable one at that.

This story's take on immortality is much more cheerful than most others', and that's always a plus, because one can only take so much of "Oh I'm immortal boo hoo hoo I just wanna die..." (usually from Vincent) before sharing the same sentiment.


The epilogue to this, uh, epilogue, seems to me like it isn't necessary, though. Or, actually, it brings an ultimate sense of closure to the story, and I just felt like that was a bit of an oddball, considering the story's about... immortals. Who don't... y'know... die.

But blah. That's neither here nor there. I actually like the last scene, but I have to pick at something, so that's my pick.

Congrats on finishing the story.
Flaunt Your Individuality chapter 13 . 6/11/2008
Great story D It's too bad all the neat stuff in this story doesn't exist. That'd be awesome, wouldn't it?
TOWTWUKER chapter 13 . 6/4/2008
btw another fic like this one is called "Hurricane" by GuardianSaiyoko. thought u might want to check his/her fic out. ;)

Lockhart-in-the-Closet chapter 13 . 5/14/2008
This is an amazing story.

It made me sad some times, but it made me smile others.

Very beautifully well written. :3

I'm glad Vince and Yuffie finally had kids. lol
Aardy chapter 1 . 5/13/2008
“…Hojo's experiments and mako injections and Jenova cells had given them eternal youth…” (OK, here’s a pet peeve of mine that I should have put up in the Genesis Awards forum, but am too lazy to do so. I pretty much hate conjunctions. I see them in my nightmares. They keep chasing me around with knives; recurring incessantly before I wake up in a pool of sweat and urine… ahem… to put it another, and a less idiotic, way – one conjunction is not a problem. More than one terrifies me. Perhaps the sentence would flow better if you utilized a comma. In certain contexts multiple conjunctions are perfectly fine, but even then they make me cringe. Sorry, it’s just the way I was programmed.)

OK, you’ve allowed Cloud to refer to Nanaki as Nanaki. In the game they call him Red XI. I don’t think it’s an epic error and it can go unnoticed, but I tend to be an obsessive perfectionist.

“But they could not die a natural death like they so craved.” (Wow, that’s such a powerful sentence. The premise of an unyielding craving for death really sent a chill down my spine.)

I really like the similarity you have slipped in here, in a somewhat subtle way. Yuffie’s hand deformed like Vincent’s. That’s quite an interesting touch.

I’m not too sure I approve of the way you allowed Vincent, Cloud and Yuffie to meet. It seemed a tad bit coincidental. I know they haven’t seen each other in eighty years, so it’s not as though they bump into each other straight after Sephiroth’s downfall. But this is the first chapter of the story. It would have been nice to have had a little more time to observe Yuffie living her immortal life in solitude; maybe catching what looked like a wisp of blonde hair or a familiar cloak. Would she want to approach them so eagerly after eighty years? Would they be so willing to approach so readily her after such a period? Also I think Cloud’s reaction could have been a little more dramatized. I would have dropped my groceries in shock. Vincent’s reaction was spot on though; his ‘who really cares’ approach as I like to call it.

I think you have kept Yuffie’s character neatly in line here. She isn’t the brash an annoying person she was in the game. She has matured over eighty years, but you somehow manage to pull it off so well. It still seems like Yuffie.

I’ll be blatantly honest with you; I feel there could have been a bit more dialogue between the three of them at dinner. Over eighty years they must have had a vast number of things to talk about. But I won’t bring you down for it – something like that is incredibly difficult (for me anyway) to do. I never plan my fics so it’s impossible to get lengthy backstory and history into a chapter. Plus, dialogue is probably my weakest point of writing.

Looking good so far. Keep it up.

unreproachablephoenix chapter 13 . 5/12/2008
I just finished your story, I really enjoyed it. The idea is very original, at first i didnt think you would be able to pull it off, but you made it make sense. Looking forward to any more fics you write branching from this one.
Lockhart-in-the-Closet chapter 4 . 5/12/2008
I bawled like a baby when I read this chapter with Cloud and Tifa.

Best written chapter. Ever.
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