Reviews for From Pitiful to Piteous
Mengsk chapter 1 . 10/17/2014
Just an all around good Christmas tale really.

Kind of glad there was no overtly happy and sentimental ending. Just a glimpse and understanding of the lives of one another.
Lupineleigh chapter 1 . 8/10/2012
Aww. What a nice contrast between Scrooge's first Christmas story and the uncle we met in Ducktales, with a Rosa twist.
While there were a couple of spots where I sucked in my breath in disbelief. I fully expected Scrooge to pocket Old Number One, "just in case." I may be mistaken in my interpretation, but I was surprised when Webby asked to open a present. I thought she might back up Scrooge by telling the nephews they have to wait. But I never paid much attention to Webby so my guess may be off. Of course those moments when Scrooge handed over his scarf and reached out to actually [i]touch[/i] Magica (*gasp*) surprised me, but even in those moments, I could still picture everything happening the way you wrote it. :)
Scrooge does surprise us all now and then with generousity. Plus in Magica's case, I can see him thinking that an ounce of kindness now might save him money down the road.
Magica was perfectly in character the whole time. I loved that she was afraid to be seen by him (and as a fly, she would have good reason to be afraid! He'd probably try to squish her! Lol). There's so much to love in this story and I'm very happy to find it. Great job!
Jerry chapter 1 . 9/4/2011
This is a very great story, you got. But I hope that you can wright a sequel or somthing. Let it take place the day after and make a heart warming christmas tale. Let Magica experience what christmas and happines really is. Maybe that Magica or Scrooge discovers fellings for each other that turns out to be happines

I hope you will make a sequel of this tale, I think this story will be even better with a sequel. I hope you will read this and think about what it.
the grene kni3t chapter 1 . 7/21/2009
Excellently done! A very sweet Christmas story. I especially like Scrooge's take on whether money can buy happiness: you portray him well as wise and realistic as well as sentimental. Great work!
Quazie89 chapter 1 . 7/11/2009
Good story! I really enjoyed it!
Anna McNarin chapter 1 . 2/24/2009
I felt my heart grow heavy as I sat reading it, the last scene especially. The energy between them was palatable to the point of souring on their own tongues; the gentleness and warmth that dangled before them reminded me of the phrase "elephant in the room", only this elephant was inflatable and easily popped, and pop it they did. It saved their sanity though, even if the metaphorical "sight" of a deflated elephant left them far colder than winter snow ever would.
Em O'Gilt chapter 1 . 2/14/2009
AWE. i loved it! Yet another awesome story from you. You're a great author and you get the characters down just right! i love how magica is sad for a moment longing for a family and stuff in this one...sad...Oh and i forgot to say in the other one "Not Worth Ten Cents" that i loved the part where she's all "I wouldn't hesitate to strip you naked to get dime!" and he's all "I can see that..." or whatever (i can't remember but it made me CRACK UP xD)
The Illustrious Crackpot chapter 1 . 3/13/2008
...Why is it that, every time I find a new story by you, I try to remember to put you on Author Alert, and every time I keep forgetting? Had I not felt a sudden desire to visit your profile just now, I probably wouldn't even have found this story.

Anyways, great work on this oneshot. You delved really deeply into Magica's character, fleshing out her thought processes extremely well, and the characterization of Scrooge (combining the Barksian "hard work makes the Duck" and the Don Rosa "but he's nothing without his family" philosophies very nicely) was just great. And the idea of the old miser who pays his own nephew just thirty cents an hour offering Magica his scarf for free is (pardon the pun) priceless. :)
Stretch Snodgrass chapter 1 . 12/19/2007
Interesting story.

I never really though about how the villians spend their Christmas - and of Magica being miserable at heart.
DixieMame chapter 1 . 12/18/2007
I can't say how much I loved this. My best friend and I have always thought there was a more human, so to speak, side to Magica(Personally,she's one of my favorite Duck characters.)

...And this was one of the best ways to show it. An overwhelming sense of pity, sympathy, and at the end, warm fuzzy feelings all over.

Thank you for writing this.
FluffyBiscuits chapter 1 . 12/17/2007
I usually hate Magica. This fic makes her seem more human.
SharanMcQuack chapter 1 . 12/14/2007
Hey, I like it. You can ALMOST feel sorry for Magica.

Even if being Jewish, the 25th of December is just another day to me.

Plenty of other holidays.
EMarie55Plus chapter 1 . 12/13/2007
Until I read this, I never felt pity for Magica Da Spell before;

but this made me want to cry for her (not to mention her poor brother, who's still a raven). How lonely and sad she really must

be! I'm now inclined to wonder how Flintheart Glomgold spends

HIS holidays. At least the Beagle Boys have each other, and their mom.

I loved this story, sweetie! You had Scrooge and Magica's accents down pat-I could practically hear their voices! SUPER job, as always. _
Nightw2 chapter 1 . 12/12/2007
Not much I can say except.. WOW. Tremendous job on the exchanges, emotional content and on Magica's flashbacks. Even the technicially SLIGHTLY out of character moments are believably done. Thanks very greatly for sharing this one-shot with us.