Reviews for Once in a Blue Moon COMPLETE
Lestrangeisderanged chapter 44 . 6/1
for a future dada professor, he does seem to not have "constant vigilance"️
MajoAnciras-88 chapter 77 . 5/11
I really wish to see a second part, i don't know if you are still writing it, but if you are just tell me were to find it.
Sorry if i write horrible, i really good at reading and comprehension but i suck when it comes to writing.
greetings from Mexico.
hotasheaven chapter 36 . 4/28
Remus baby please don't! I know ure confused but youre breaking my heart :(((
Guest chapter 77 . 4/25
This was so good. It took me about 6 hours straight of reading to get through and I don’t regret not sleeping. It’s such a lovely sort and I love the happy ending for once!
Naomie x
Guest chapter 38 . 4/23
God I know what it’s like to be used as someone else’s experiment and I have no sympathy for Remus. My Ex dated me for 6 months before deciding she was straight and immediately hooked up with some dude. He needed to get his act together he has no right to dictate who Sirius makes friends with.
McKenzie chapter 77 . 4/8
Was the sequel ever posted?
Jade chapter 77 . 5/21/2018
I've always loved your writing especially the Trouble Series, but I'm sorry I just don't really like this one, although it's one of your most well-known fics. I think I stopped reading before at chapter 40 something, but I am commenting under the epilogue anyway.

Actually, I'm very impressed with your idea and characterisation and stuff, and I applaud you for putting time and effort in this loooooong fic. However, I think the reason this isn't really my cup of tea is that I'm so tired of Remus's attitude. While I love the Remus in the Trouble Series, the Remus here is a bit, eh... mean? I mean if he really is in self denial I don't think he should lead Sirius on any longer. I guess I'm just too impatient a reader to follow them through their rocky love journey. Nonetheless, you're still one of my favourite HP fan fiction( to be more specific, wolfstar fics) writer ! xx
Moony chapter 13 . 5/20/2018
No I feel so bad for the centaurs they're so nice! Törin;(
LoonyBadger chapter 77 . 2/21/2018
I LOVE this story and would be supper excited for a sequel if you decide to post it. I can't believe people didn't like Charlie, I loved her and cried when she died. I totally guessed about Rom when u first mentioned the hair and kept doing the math for counting out six years since he was caught (cried like a baby at first tho not gonna lie). I got super excited when the six year was right around the corner. And at the end when Remus "died" I was like no, there's no way and read through two chapters, went back to see if you left a note indicating anything. Cried a lot, then continued to the next chapter in Remus' pov and was a mix of excited and -.- cause I lost trust in u for a minute but omg this story is so beautiful wonderful amazing job
Guest chapter 77 . 2/20/2018
Here it is, 2018. I haven't read fanfiction probably since the last book came out. But I just spent the last two days devouring this. Not sure what ended up happening with your sequel, but I hope I can find the link if you ever end up posting it!
AureliaAndMidnight chapter 69 . 11/12/2017
He's not dead. He can't be dead. Oh gods...
AureliaAndMidnight chapter 56 . 11/12/2017
That ending though. I'm fairly sure my heart stopped.
amransom18 chapter 77 . 10/23/2017
This is an amazing book. I've been reading it non-stop for the past few days and honestly, I have cried a lot. I was wondering about more information on the sequel or a link? Please and Thank you.
Mischief-Managed chapter 77 . 8/23/2017
I LOVE this story. It was absolutely AMAZING! I am mentioning this story on my profile (mischief-managed-HP) if you don't mind, and I just want to comment on the creativeness of this story. (Although I think this is my Bible!) I love this piece of work no just wanted to comment on the sheer awesomeness that is this story. I hope I didn't take up too much of your time,

Sharohi chapter 77 . 8/7/2017
Wow, I don't speak english very well, but I'll try.
Two days ago I started to read this translated story, but it was not finished and I continued it in English. Thanks to the translators I have not had much problem, although I am ashamed to say it. This story has been fantastic. I do not really have much to say without being confused, but I liked it a lot. The new characters (Romulus and Cecyl, like others) are very strong and there have been times in which for a moment I thought they were real.
The story itself has made me laugh and cry a lot and that's why I liked it so much.
I would like to know if today you have published the sequel, or if on the contrary you have stayed in an idea only. I hope I have not written very badly my comment and that somehow, I encourage you to write that mysterious sequel if you have not yet decided.
It has been a pleasure to meet with so much talent and passion and I will continue reading your other stories.
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