Reviews for Strike Before They Hiss
S-0827 chapter 21 . 1/16/2016
Shittttt whyyyyyyyyy! Whhyyyyyyyy!
The story was nice but I feel like I wasted my time reading it... I hate unhappy endings. Destroys everything.
Carlmike94 chapter 13 . 8/31/2014
...wait. Eugene wasn't Gin mock... I mean pretending to be British? I did honestly not expect that.
deideiblueeyez chapter 13 . 4/21/2013
I hate croquet. I never hit the ball hard enough, and I always ended up losing the balls and the ring-hoopy-thingies (it was an old set that my Grandpa had when I was young)..
deideiblueeyez chapter 12 . 4/10/2013
This chapter was ÜBER confusing o_o
deideiblueeyez chapter 9 . 4/10/2013
"Did your stomach just woof!?" XD Every chapter is so good and hilarious.
deideiblueeyez chapter 6 . 4/9/2013
LOOK AT MY SEXY GAZELLE LEGS! Dude this is material that should be used in the script for a Bleach abridged series on YouTube! XDDDD
deideiblueeyez chapter 5 . 4/9/2013
Truth be told, the back and forth among the Espada was a little difficult to follow, but Im not super familiar with the Espada like I am with the Akatsuki from Naruto..oh my God your parody of these guys is so flipping funny! Good thing too, since Ive been feeling a little..cripplingly depressed.. but it's all good!
deideiblueeyez chapter 4 . 4/9/2013
First sentence I laughed out you have such talent at these little jokes.

Gin is like the fun little sociopath that the people in control allow to run wild. "Dont stop him, hes having fun" as he proceeds to steal, destroy, mock, mimic, stalk, troll, and otherwise antagonize everyone around him.
deideiblueeyez chapter 3 . 4/9/2013
God this is quiqte funny. I know the exact tone youre talking about. A really straight face Gin is wesring while talking about octopi, lulz.. killer shrews! Theres an old black and white film about killer shrews, but theyre the size of ..Id say a pitbull and I think they had tusks.. I could be wrong..
deideiblueeyez chapter 2 . 4/9/2013
The physical description of your character was brief yet subtle and easily slipped into the paragraph without telling people right out "She had straight red bangs on one side of her face, you guys." Though I am still unsure about the exact length of it..hmm..maybe it will be clearer in later chapters? Will keep reading!
Lurvster chapter 5 . 7/18/2012
oh snap rotflol this was soo funny lol i loved it :D
BrightWings111 chapter 17 . 5/30/2012
Is it weird at all that I was listening to Six Feelings while reading this chapter?
BrightWings111 chapter 5 . 5/30/2012
This is hilarious! I love it!
Quinhwyvar chapter 12 . 8/31/2011
I die every time I read this chapter, I start laughing and it just doesn't stop until I can't breath. Then I take a break, get air in my lungs and then it starts all over again. Best to say this is one of the funnest chapters I have read...and re-read...and re-read...:)


ps. I have pants.
Arishima.Hikari chapter 21 . 8/22/2011
What a depressing end T_T Still, I loved it so much I don't even have words to describe it, LOL :P

It particularly touched me when she finally realized that it had all been a test, and that she had failed. It was so dramatic, at least for me :(

Awesome story! Write more :P
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