Reviews for What Happily Ever After?
Tenshi-Oujosama chapter 3 . 10/22/2015
(TT TT) I'm crying my frustrations here. It's just too bad that a wonderful fic such as yours had updated for... well certainly not today. This was really a cliffhanger.
Cata chapter 3 . 10/24/2013

I love this fic , please write the next chapter ;-;
Cata chapter 3 . 10/24/2013
ContinĂșalo! Por favor! Please?! :) this fic is amazing!
SoRikuR0x chapter 3 . 7/22/2013
Hm, hiding the identity from Riku. Rikuuuuu what in the world have you gotten yourself tangled into? I hope that you plan to keep going with this? It's very good so far, speedy pickup so your interested immediately.
Please continue it!
SoRikuR0x chapter 2 . 7/22/2013
Yes, humans are definitely much much more confusing than a heartless or the nobodies. Awwww, Roxas is so sweet! And Axel's so nice for listening to him. :)
Yay save Riku!
Love the story.
What world is this supposed to be where Roxas finds Riku?
SoRikuR0x chapter 1 . 7/22/2013
Yes Axel, you most definitely have my attention now! I've officially read allll of your stories now, and I am very excited to continue this one! :)
I know it'll be good!
CrazyWhatIfGirl chapter 3 . 8/8/2012
Wow! Very intense and well-written! After getting over my initial panic attack of 'Oh no! Riku's hurt!', I was quite intrigued by where you're going with this. I love Riku's stubbornness and Roxas's annoyed confusion and Axel's possessiveness in particular- it's so cute, even though he won't admit he's jealous! I think you're doing an amazing job staying in character and I am waiting on the edge of my seat to see what happens next! Please keep writing!
AYMK00 chapter 3 . 6/8/2012
Your writing is lovely, and the interaction between Roxas and Axel is peeerfect. I love how thoughtful the two are about everything, and Roxas' curiosity with Riku is really endearing, as is Riku's returned curiosity. I like how you've made Axel give Riku his blindfold so that Roxas wouldn't be able to see his eyes and vice versa. The jealousy swelling inside of Axel as an overprotective friend is really great to read, and it's easy to interpret this with the perspective you've chosen. It's very reflective and gives room for humor, but most of all, it's coherent and acts as a window to the events that are occurring, and I loove it. I realise the fic hasn't been updated for around four years, though, LOL! Are you planning to returning to it anytime soon? (:

Hope you are doing well!

Guest chapter 3 . 5/31/2012
Hey! Are you ever going to finish this? I love your stories, and this one has been really really good so far and I think it'll be amazing, and I really wanna know what happens, so... yeah! Write more! Please?
ti chapter 3 . 5/18/2011
Well I guess there's not much chance you're planning on finishing this, but I do wish you would. It's really great! So interesting.
whiskedaway chapter 3 . 4/27/2011
What you wrote is too true. It's always the prince and princess that have their happily ever after, but the means, the persons, the sacrifies that were through which it was gained are as good as never mentioned. And that is what makes every fairy tale and every sick cliché story so sad in my opinion.

Anywho, this story is really grate so far. Please keep writing. :)
kinleyvalentine chapter 3 . 2/6/2011
Ah! I love the characterization! I want to read more! Your stories are always so addicting, I've been reading them all for the past week whenever I can, and I just can't help it... I don't even play video games anymore. What I do in my spare time is read your fanfiction. You're seriously so amazing. I love this. Goodnight Moon, especially. I now am afraid to look into my mirror. Crazy, huh? Anyways, I digress. You've got their personalities so perfectly written, it's like I'm in the character's head... I hope I get to read more!
Kyrian chapter 3 . 5/3/2010
You're right, canon stuff is way harder to write than other types of fanfiction. It's a creature I wouldn't attempt to master, so I salute you.

You write wonderful fanfiction. Roxas is very canon, but I'm a little less sold on Axel. I think he sounded better in the latter half of this chapter than the former half. Your use of diction for him was too casual, I think. But it's not that bad at all.

I look forward to the next part of this story :)
isumi 'kivic chapter 3 . 1/16/2010
Still awesomely awesome. D It's really nice when I decided to come back to this fandom and found a really great author like you. I'm trying to read your other fanfictions, too, by the way, but let me ramble about this on first? XD

First of all, your plot is amazingly intriguing. I loved it to bits, and the way you portray the characters are awesomely IC, too. I personally can't wait to read the next chapter. D Though I had to admit it's a bit hard to see Riku in a weak state like that, but I'm really glad you didn't make him helpless, because Riku is everything but helpless. Keep up the great job! I will be waiting for the next installment. ]

Oh, and just out of curiosity, will this one be a bit RikuSora-ish and AxelRoxas-ish?X3


-isumi'kivic' and Ilde-
Mirror and Darkling chapter 1 . 8/20/2009
I have to admit, I was a bit hesitant to read this fanfiction. But I was bored one day and decided, oh hell...I love 180 and SS, so why not?

And I have to say, I'm addicted. I *adore* Organization XI and Riku. Both of them together? Gah...I cannot wait for more! I love your writing style, and the plot for this! (And am I bad for loving the fact that Riku is hurt? D: I love hurt!characters way too much.)

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