Reviews for Naruto: Rise of the Titan's
Monster King chapter 20 . 11/15/2018
Great job it was a good read
monochrom68 chapter 9 . 7/29/2018
rasengan, shadow clone.. shurikens... all of this screamed NARUTO... so how the hell slade failed to recognize him
monochrom68 chapter 3 . 7/29/2018
,ransengan is not WIND JUTSU! its a raw chakra. Rasenshuriken is the wind juts and even that can kill anyone!
Guest chapter 20 . 3/10/2018
me gusto la historia y espero las continuaciones sigue adelante
Guest chapter 2 . 6/30/2016
... The moment where I feel like committing suicide..
Guest chapter 2 . 4/20/2016
I'm just advise you to watch naruto please I'm begging you .I don't want to flame you
Guest chapter 2 . 4/20/2016
I'm pretty sure naruto isn't that fucking stupid
dragonfox123 chapter 1 . 11/5/2015
Great chapter and plot
agnar chapter 3 . 7/1/2015
Yeah, not going to waste anymore time on this utter crapfest. Naruto is winded and exhausted after that brief, easy fight against Slade? He can't do anything against Cinderblock?

Apparently you've never, EVER read any accurate Naruto fanfic or the manga, because your Naruto isn't close to accurate.
ManwithaPlan113 chapter 2 . 6/22/2015
Why is it all bold?
Jokatox chapter 7 . 6/5/2015
"One of the major codes of the ninja-" Naruto started. "-is to always help those in need, despite of yourself. If I turned my back on this, I would be breaking that code. Yes, I'll help you. But I'll go home the moment it's finished. Agreed?"

I am French , so sorry for my grammar error,
a NINJA is not a SAMURAI they do not care to help people as they fulfill their mission
they are not hero they will kill innocent if his can help
but this is good story
je l'ai bien aimé donc je te remercie de l'avoir écrite
bon aller tchao Mec
okhuj chapter 20 . 12/30/2014
this is a great story!
ThunderFist Slayer chapter 1 . 11/27/2014
ThunderFist Slayer chapter 20 . 11/26/2014
Chrisfragger chapter 2 . 9/7/2014
Why is it ALL bolded?
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