Reviews for It Couldn't Stop at Truth or Dare
CollapsedSociety chapter 4 . 9/4/2010
please update it was AMAZING and it been like a year soo if you could please it would be awesome and i think you should do longer chapters

ariel XD
babyblue44 chapter 4 . 5/5/2010
so good . update soon plz!
scarletblusssh chapter 4 . 2/24/2010
could you make the chapters abit longer? this is gerat!
Alice2332 chapter 4 . 12/6/2009
Great story. Amazing. I do have an idea, of what can happen to Bella at hunting. Okay so like there hunting, but Bellas staring at Edward, and then she trips on a branch. But she doesnt fall. Emmett bursts out laughing, and the rest of the family chuckle. Then Bella catches her first deer, and she drinks. Then when there done, they go home, and watch Dracula. Sorry its kinda sukkish, but I like juss made it up!
Neverknownfuture chapter 4 . 8/11/2009
reyshine95 chapter 4 . 7/15/2009
keep writing
SweetxInsanity chapter 4 . 7/1/2009
good story so far. chapters are really short but other then that i think it is a good story. i hope you continue to write this story and update it soon.
YasJJ chapter 4 . 6/19/2009
OMG. go and write. you can't stop here.

And I think your chapters need to be longer cause I love it!

so write please...
ArleneValdez chapter 4 . 5/29/2009
i hope u put up a new chapter soon...i really like this story. especially since the wolves are all gone hehehe
TheAwesomePrussia aka.sweetyjg chapter 4 . 4/10/2009
this is a great story so far, why have you stoped writing it? please update soon
DrSarcasm08 chapter 4 . 3/21/2009
both choices are good and so is the story i hope you keep writing!
choirlovingsk8er chapter 4 . 3/14/2009
omg this is do good u really should update soon.
jacalacalyn chapter 4 . 1/19/2009
i know it has been a while since you last updated...but i really want more!
snowbook22 chapter 4 . 12/26/2008
Its a very nice beginning to ur sequel i hope you can make ur chapters longer! Update soon!

- y
edwardcullensgirlsince1901 chapter 4 . 12/22/2008
Your sequel is really good, and so is the first story, too! I love how it is not truth or dare anymore, but if it does go back to that, I will be fine. I love the fact that you changed Bella, too. You did a terriffic job, and I hope you post more chapters, and soon. Can't wait to read!

Keep on rockin'!
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