Reviews for Prison Cell
pantaraz615 chapter 1 . 1/1/2016
this got me pisst I hate control freaks
Olinek chapter 1 . 5/8/2013
I really like it and I have to say that at the end I was hoping for a continuation.
flumetrainer chapter 1 . 12/26/2012
like your writing style ,it's a very great story
aku no tensai chapter 1 . 3/31/2012
I've added your story to favorites. I think that's all I need to say~

Anyway, I'd like to know what Ichigo's friends think about his relationship, and how Ichigo 'met' Grimmjow. Meaning, how did the 'mating' fiasco go?

Hope you'll consider it! Please don't give up writing :)

DangerousMistress chapter 1 . 2/21/2012
Like it!
Panruru chapter 1 . 7/23/2011
Man, I love this story! I really wish you'd continue this one day.
buttcake chapter 1 . 5/25/2011
Wow, that was very expressive.

I'd say it's kinda depressing that he can't escape, but it's still a unique idea! :) Love the way you wrote it. Haha, instantly got pulled in as I read more and more.

Great job! :)
drowsydoe chapter 1 . 11/25/2010
LOL XD Not bad, I like :D Didn't seem very emo, or vampire like. Though I do like the idea :P
gothss123 chapter 1 . 8/5/2010
that was not emo that was creative! and from what i have got from bleach tells me that grimm would be the most possessive so think ya pretty much bagged his personality. i hope ya write many more creative and different stories cuz,i jst cant stand the same thing all the time!XD
xxsindixx chapter 1 . 8/4/2010
wow... This has gta be one of da mst deep n 1 of my mst fav grimmichi fics eva! U hav such a unique n intriging writing style! Please please please write more!
Paninibunny chapter 1 . 7/31/2010
Awsome fic poor Ichigo it's now easy to

Deal with a beast like Grimmjow LoL:)!

Is there a way to continue this? It would make

a good story-!
librarycat9 chapter 1 . 2/7/2010
are you still planning to continue with this story?
StoryTellerInsane chapter 1 . 1/31/2010
It's really good. It has a whole bittersweet way to it...
kawaiicrimsonkitsune chapter 1 . 8/23/2009
Omg! This was really good. I feel sorry for Ichi.
xAJ13zmyluckynumber chapter 1 . 8/17/2009
its really good you should totally make a full length fic. i dont know why but its fun watching ichi be "tortured"-pervert face-
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