Reviews for The Fandom
Horses8888 chapter 2 . 6/7/2016
This was so funny But I am the opposite of you in one way: I hate SpottedFire and AshSquirrel, love FireSand and BrambleSquirrel. Everyone likes what they like lol
42 4ever chapter 2 . 6/28/2015
Oh, one MEANS to join the just happens
42 4ever chapter 2 . 3/9/2015
Updates for no reason!
Ships supported(add ons): ScourgeFire LionCinder AshBramble(heh heh) TigerScourge JayME(heh fangirl. Guilty as charged)
42 4ever chapter 1 . 3/9/2015
This is fun! Can I submit a shipper? Ima just gonna give the info and u decide whether to use it or not!
Shipper name: Sparkpaw
Ships supported: FireSand GraySilver FeatherCrow JayBriar
Shipper profile: Sparkpaw is very silly with her shipping. Likes some slash. Loves any crack.
Paint the wolf chapter 2 . 2/22/2015
Bravo! Bravo! This is the best fanfiction I've ever seen XD can't wait for the next chapter! This is amusing and it's true how... Crazy shippers get when it comes to ships... Also just curious what's your warrior OTP? Mines SandFire (I respect that you don't like it) and my Oc one is ChlorpawxEclipse (random cats I role play and made up XD it's femslash) - Paint
Clawbreeze chapter 2 . 11/23/2013
Wait, what ThornXNight?
taciturnAnalyst chapter 2 . 1/1/2011
Can I have a kitteh!If I can my shipper's name is Scarletrose-Black tabby she-cat with red points white paws and blue eyes I'm captain of the SS LionCinder. Shppings supported:BrambleSquirrel,FireSand,CrowLeaf,CrowFeather,LionCinder,StormBrook,JayWillow,BlackTawny,GraySilver,GrayMillie,RavenpawOC,OakBlue,BillyLeaf and SharpCherry. Shipper profile:Scarletrose follows some canon pairing does no slash or crack of any kind and absolutely LOVES Lionblaze
StarlessNight95 chapter 2 . 11/10/2008
That was really hilarious!

Although I really dislike FirexSpotted, it's still awesome.

Please update!

Oh my, was this last updated in... February? O_o

Gee, I always like stories that were published a long time ago...
ZeraWeasley chapter 1 . 5/7/2008

reasons i hate it:

1.I am a Sand/Fire shipper

2.I am a Bramble/Squirrel shipper too

3. I hate Spotted/Fire

4.I hate Ash/Squirrel

reasons i love it:

was hilarious!

2.i liked how u used the word "ship" and changed it to be like "boat"!

3. i liked how you used "canon" balls!

4. i liked the shipper IDs

5.I liked the debating between the ships

Can I appear in the story as an Ashfur/foxdung shipper?
Qzil chapter 2 . 4/13/2008
Well, it is funny, I like the whole warship idea. Maybe you are being a bit unfair, not all OC's are Sues/Stus or are weird colored with markings.
Darren's Wings chapter 2 . 3/2/2008
WOW! I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT! I can't wait for more!

I love how you treat it like any old story, but add the humour and what-not in so subtlely. It's just delightful!

As far as Jaypaw being blind and you deciding you give him sight, I think it would be good for you to practice using a blind character. You'd be relying almost entirely on smells, sounds, feelings, etc., which is good to have no matter if it's a blind character or not. I think if you get in the habit, when you go back to a sighted character, it will improve your writing.

This is hilarious! Wanna see my shipper's card?

Shipper name: Brambletalon (according to warriorcatsdot com)

Shippings supported: SpottedxFire, JayxPoppy, HeatherxLion, LeafxCrow, BramblexSquirrel, CrowxFeather, BreezexHeather, HawkxLeaf, and many more!

Shipper's Profile: I don't knw what exactly crack is, but canon mostly, and occasional random pairings, no slash.


Can't wait until you update! Sorry this was so long.

Steel Plated Bambi chapter 2 . 3/2/2008
'Ship'ings and 'canon' balls? Darling, this is genious. XD I love how petty some of the arguments are - after all, it's all about interpretation.

Keep up the good work - I'll be keeping an eye on this one.

- Steel Plated Bambi
Vexanna Azlin chapter 2 . 3/1/2008
funny very very funny

-Angel of all Ecos-
SiLENT-masque chapter 2 . 2/29/2008
Random...I like it!
Purple-Arsenic chapter 1 . 2/14/2008
Are you going to write more? I think you should. It's hilarious.
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