Reviews for Jagged
darkshadows3321 chapter 1 . 6/1/2014
I really liked it. It was great to finally see Speedy in a different way. Usually he is not at all serious in a parting way, always after girls. I like seeing him in this light.
Reforged Sword of the Morning chapter 1 . 6/15/2011
Hmm. Well written as always, but I'm not quite sure where Speedy's hostility is coming from, and you haven't chosen to share his thoughts...what's going on here?
Opal21 chapter 1 . 7/6/2010
Wow. I am so sorry I got to this story so late, as it deserves immediate feedback, but-this was amazing.

The point of view was so strong, I felt like I was looking through Roy's eyes; yet tastefully so, since you showed his point of view either through expressive thoughts or actions instead of blatantly stating his feelings.

Like an action movie, the scene was paced so well! Each step flowed into the next event naturally, making for an awesome read.

What I might have liked most of all was the exploration of Roy's emotions, from intense concern to vengeful anger. The ending left me with questions about his feelings, wondering how things will stand between Roy and his teammates.

Hope this review doesn't come off too strong, but... finding this fic was like discovering a jewel.